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This guide. according to Bosque. is limit to sharply censoring the “abusive use of the generic masculine.” while the others do not admit its use and suggest that it should be avoid in all cases. In this way. the “ visibility of women ” is guarante. which is the purpose of these manuals. Furthermore. if these guidelines are not accept. we would be engaging in “ androcentric thinking” and preventing “ the language from evolving in accordance with the society”. they maintain. There is a lot of confusion between gender and sex. Thus. in the expression: “The directors will attend the entertainment with their wives”. there is sexism. since it should be said.

Cioran Would Recommend the

The directors will attend with their spouses”. since the masculine “directors” encompasses the designation of men and women; but the guide considers that this is as sexist as the expression “The workers of the company”. instead of “The workers of the company” . The guide proposes: “managers” and “managers”; “the scholarship business email list recipients” and not “the scholarship holders”; “all citizens”. instead of “Valencians and all citizens”. She also considers it discriminatory to write “number of unemploy” (unemploy). instead of “number of people without work.” In many more expressions. I recognize. sexist language is present. such as “Those affect will receive compensation”. instead of “

Book to His Brother Aurel

Those affect. men and women. will receive compensation”. since the affect women when reading the first option will understand that The compensation does not correspond to them. but only to the men. The proposal of this manual is interesting. but I also believe. like Bosque. that the use of generic language does not make women feel exclud . The generic use that involves men and women has been decod by them for a long time. and does not merit Buy Lead censorship or the stigma of discriminatory or androcentric expression. The Spanish and their dilemmas regarding sexism I consider that verbal language depends solely on the speakers and not on rules impos in a manual. and that language is meaning. interpretation. and not just grammatical formalisms .

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