Leverage existing relationships to grow your audience

Create a podcast the barriers to entry into the world of podcasting are lower than ever. With tons of apps and tools that make it easy for anyone to start podcasting – even without a sophisticat studio setup – now is a great time to create a podcast. Podcasts are convenient because people can listen to them on their daily commute. While exercising. Or anytime and anywhere they want. You can listen to a podcast while driving. But you certainly can.T read an article or watch a video! If you want to cater to those who prefer to watch videos. Consider creating a video podcast. Which allows you to also distribute audio content to podcast services for those who also prefer audio formats.

There are several options

How do you create a podcast? Well. There are Country Email List several options. You could use an application like ancora which offers all the tools you ne to create. Distribute and monetize podcasts in a single app. (yes. You can even record podcasts using just your smartphone!) there are other platforms that offer similar all-in-one features. Too. Or. You could get some podcasting equipment and iting software to record and perfect your podcast episodes. Get a podcast host . And submit your podcasts to itunes and other podcast lists . If you.Re not sure if podcasting is right for you.

Practice and write killer sales

country email list

It.S best to start simple with an all-in-one platform and then invest in more sophisticat equipment and tools if you decide to continue. 31. Learn. Practice and write killer sales letters there is still power in the sales letter – or. At the very least. The  Buy Lead principles behind the sales letter – in creative content marketing. So. Do your business and yourself a huge favor. And learn how to write a bulletproof sales letter . Whether you use it or not (and yes. You can use it both in print and via email. Landing page. Or other digital delivery). Understanding the psychology of sales and how it relates to your product/service will go a long way toward becoming successful. Organizing your thoughts and offerings into a coherent offering.

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