5 Tips to Improve the User Experience of Your E-commerce

User experience , or in the case of e-commerce, the experience of interacting with the website by users, represents one of the 3 fundamental elements of an online store together with the product sold and the logistics service. To understand the importance of a good user experience for e-commerce, just think about traditional shops: would you ever enter a shop knowing that the items are all messy and difficult to find or that the people working there are particularly unpleasant with customers? I would say definitely not! The same goes for online stores, which however have different variables to work on and replace the arrangement of the items with an optimal search filtering system and the shop assistants, perhaps, with the checkout process planned once you have decided to purchase. That’s why we have collected these 5 tips to improve the user experience of your e-commerce!

User experience is a variable that

compared to others, can have a much more direct Chinese UK  influence on sales. In fact, it is one of the few variables that actually have the possibility of influencing the decision to purchase or not. A classic example is given by Amazon. On Amazon, reviews are automatically ordered, allowing you to clearly see customer opinions. Amazon also offers the very useful “Buy in one click” button, allowing you to purchase a product literally with just one click, once the payment information has been saved on the account. These are small measures, of course, but when added together you can easily understand how they can be decisive for the company’s sales: here is our advice on the matter!

Chinese UK

1. Optimize your site loading speed

Although the elements indicated in this. List are all important, it is necessary to give. First place to the loading speed of the site . Since it is a slightly more relevant Brazil WhatsApp Number List aspect than the others. Some data on this subject. websites that have a loading speed of 5 seconds show an.  Average session duration of 70% longer than sites. That require 19 seconds, this probably also because. According to research conducted by Akamai. A delay of 100 milliseconds in the loading speed of a site. Can cause a reduction of 7% in the conversion rate. Therefore, another figure is not surprising: 79% of potential buyers declare that they. Will never return to an online store if they have had problems. With the performance of the site. In short. Without an adequate loading speed of the site, the risk is that the user experience will not even begin. There is no exact threshold to aim for when talking about loading speed, simply the site should require as little as possible to load, in all its sections.

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2. Communicate clearly
Especially thanks to the many features that modern e-commerce platforms make available, the development possibilities from a graphic point of view are countless. If it is absolutely true that the eye wants its part, it is not only on the wow effect that you have to focus on. The risk of wanting to focus too much on the visual impact of an e-commerce, in fact, is that of creating a store that does not do what it was actually born to do, that is, present the company and the products sold. This is especially true for B2B, where a good 46% of users declare that they abandon a site when it is unable to quickly communicate what the company does (MarketingProfs, 2015). Hence the importance of finding the right balance between graphic aspects and user experience .

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