Even though being veggie is fashionable. There are still many people who consume red meat around the world. It is a habit that is affecting both personal health and that of the planet. And, according to an analysis published in the journal Science. The increase in meat consumption, also driven by population growth and economic income. Plays an important role in the increase in carbon emissions and the reduction of The Biodiversity. It is worth mentioning that meat production generates more pollution than the fruit and vegetable market. A new analysis that says meat consumption must be drastically reduced in favor of plant-based diets. Considerable differences in agriculture are needed to avoid the dangers of a warming planet and the challenges of feeding a growing population in a world with more droughts, floods and extreme heat.

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The study closely follows the latest report from the world’s leading body of climate change experts. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which issued its stark warnings. According to the IPCC report, limiting global warming to compared to 2°C could go hand in hand to ensure a more sustainable Egypt WhatsApp Number List and equitable society. But this would require rapid. Far-reaching and unprecedented changes across the board. of the society. This is bad news for meat eaters . Because they are a big part of the problem. Sustainable diet to save the world Opting for a sustainable diet is an option to help mitigate carbon emissions. According to the scientific journal The Lancet. Which encompasses the “health of human civilization and the state of the natural systems on which they depend. The planet has a problem: the consumption of meat that began to develop from the second World War.

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According to an international panel of 37 experts from 16 countries, “a radical transformation of the global food system is urgently needed.” The transformation in the diet of the world’s inhabitants could prevent 11 million premature deaths per year related to diet. Data from El País say that in Indonesia and West Africa, for example, unlike in Korea Email List North America. The experts’ report detects that on average in the world the intake of red meat, starchy vegetables. Such as potatoes, rich in carbohydrates and eggs is too high. The commission proposes an ideal diet based on 2,500 kilocalories daily. And suggests that only of them come from meat other than poultry. Which would be equivalent, for example, to consuming one small beef burger a week. The global objective is to double the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts, and reduce the consumption of red meat and sugar by half.

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