Some Considerations About Publications in

Of course, I was going to end the post with 420 words. Hahaha. Are we crazy or what? Although, I promise, Sansa Stark’s words and let anyone who dares fight against him, I’m going to make the posts shorter. That. But not 400 words. No way. Well, now I’ll tell you some quick curiosities about this topic of publications on Google for local companies (you know, pure semantics). You can choose between standard posts or events . Standard posts go live from the moment Some Considerations you post and expire after 7 days. Events expire on the end date you specify. Google wants you to show what’s current about your company . You’ve built a new feature and you’ll want it to be used.

Those who use it

I say, will be rewarded. Logical? Well, what are you waiting for! You must choose between a few texts for the button : “More information”, “Book”, “Register”, “Buy”, “Get offer”. If you watch the video, then you see it live . But you don’t hear it, because I’m trying out a new video editing tool and executive data I screwed it up. Sorry. The next one doesn’t happen. Come on, basically that’s it. It’s not like I have much more to tell, don’t you think? Plan your Google My Business posts You have already seen the importance of publishing on Google My Business, so you cannot leave the platform and stop publishing. This will affect your business, your positioning on Google and your reviews. I know that you don’t have all the time in the world to publish offers, publications or events on your Google My Business listing every week…

executive data

That's why there are Some Considerations

Therefore, Tools like Metricool that allow you to plan the publications you want to share on Google My Business on a calendar . . In Metricool you have several sections that Buy Lead are also interesting for this platform. You can see the analytics of your Google file and draw reports with the information. Therefore, that interests you most. In the planning section, you have a calendar where you can add the publication you want to plan and choose the day and time.

This way you will have all the content you want planned in your GMB listing and you will not have. Therefore, to worry about uploading them by hand. Conclusions And what do I say to conclude! Well… That, reminding you that today I told you 3 things : a nonsense (putting text backwards), a recommendation (do the SEO Summer School) and a novelty: Publications in Google My Business. 

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