Knowing what you can’t publish on social

Knowing what you can’t publish on social  networks will not only save you time (spent on creating and promoting your profile, if you’re talking about business), but will also protect you from very negative consequences, such as criminal prosecution. It’s no secret that legislation in this area is becoming stricter: there are many cases where people not only get banned, but also summoned to court.

However, it is not only the legal side of the  country email list issue that is important. There is another category of posts that formally do not violate anything, but which can create big problems for the account owner. In our article, we will examine in detail all the existing prohibitions and provide possible options for action if illegal publications have already been made.

The Impact of Thoughtless Social Media Posts

Social networks have become an integral part of our lives. However, some publications and comments left on various Internet sites can lead to tragic consequences. What should not be published on social networks and what are the consequences of thoughtless behavior on Internet sites?

  1. Refusal to hireToday, checking a job applicant is not limited to just an interview. As SuperJob research has shown, already in 2016, more than 35% of employers studied job seekers’ pages on social networks. A HeadHunter survey among recruiters showed that in this way they want to learn more about a person’s personal qualities.
  2. Refusal to issue a loanThe bank, like no other, checks its this should increase the amount of money  clients. Already this year, the security service of such financial giants as Sberbank and VTB plans to introduce a system for assessing the personal profiles of potential borrowers.


  3. Dismissal, including under public pressureThe number of scandals related to short-sighted actions on social networks is growing every year. The person who made a mistake most often ends up without a job. The company’s reputation and profits are clearly not in favor of the guilty employee.
  4. Administrative fine and even criminal caseNot all posts on social networks are harmless. In some cases, even an accidental comment or like can fall under the definition of extremism. Most real sentences, according to research by

What You Shouldn’t Post on Social Media for Personal Safety

  1. Passwords and keys to themThe less personal data on the page, uae cell number  the better. Attackers can easily get hold of confidential information, learn passwords to personal profiles, email. Moreover, in most cases, it is the users themselves who are frivolous.

    You shouldn’t take a dubious survey or register on a service that wants to know your mother’s maiden name and your pet’s nickname. And it’s especially not recommended to indicate such

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