How did they do it?
Develop a logistic regression model with an accuracy of 90.0%, which represents a significant advance in the prevention of sports injuries
One of the most common problems in sports are injuries, especially ankle injuries.
These represent a high percentage of
disabilities in sports such as football and basketball.
Hence, the University of the Valley of Mexico (UVM) through the updated 2024 mobile phone number data Center for Research, Innovation and Technological Development (CIIDETEC) launch an application to prict injuries in athletes using advanc machine learning techniques.
A team of researchers, including David Pérez-Granados , manag to develop a logistic regression model with an accuracy of 90.0%, which represents a significant advance in the prevention of sports injuries.
The prictive tool, which allows identifying and classifying athletes at risk of injury, was achiev through the use of advanc analytical tools such asArtificial intelligence(AI) and machine learning.
One of the relevant contributions of the project is that determining factors such as the practice of sports with risk of injury and kinesiophobia provide crucial information for the early detection of risks and personaliz preventive strategies.
A comprehensive performance evaluation was also carri out through an exhaustiv6 analysis of various machine learning models, highlighting the versatility and reliability of the logistic regression model in mical and sports environments.
A detail analysis was also provid with metrics such as recall and precision, providi Cconsumer data ng a comprehensive assessment of the model’s performance in critical situations of accurate injury detection in athletes.
David Pérez-Granados development leader
in the application of AI to prict sports injuries wi exit intent technology: how it works th high precision, explain that the project emerg a few years ago and involv a multidisciplinary team with members of micine, physiotherapy and engineering.
Pérez-Granados sh6he is an energy engineer and has extensive experience in the world of algorithms andmachine learningThis allows for complex data analysis, 6, elements that facilitate the priction of injuries in athletes in order to protect them in a certain way.