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CMS Website Detector

Liked the site? Want to take advantage of its features, design solutions, and structure? To do this, you need to find out what CMS is used on this website. There are several ways to view its technical base, which we will discuss in more detail.

What is CMS detector?

The CMS checker service determines the technical platform used to build the site. It uses simple queries to determine the software version and its developer. In addition, you can find out the following resource parameters:

  • programming language;
  • connected databases;
  • content delivery services (CDN);
  • additional CMS used on lower level pages;
  • company or updated 2024 mobile phone number data organization profiles on social networks.

What is CMS?

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The abbreviation stands for “content cms website detector management system.” This term refers to a software platform that simplifies the creation of a website by significantly reducing the effort required to write code. It provides a ready-made structure into which you simply add template pages, filling them with text, videos, and images.

The most popular content management systems

1. WordPress is the #1 platform in agb directory the world. The basic version of WordPress is absolutely free – you only pay for the domain, hosting, and additional plugins.

2. Joomla is one of the most popular CMS among experienced developers. Most of its elements can be edited manually, creating perfect sites that exactly meet your needs. If you need help, you can always consult the developer community and get the necessary array of code.

3. Drupal is a platform that is ideal for sites with a complex structure and large amounts of information. It is often used by online publications, libraries, and university web resources. It has a more complex interface customization system than WordPress, but you can still create simple sites without programming. Drupal is a free CMS based on open source code with a vibrant community of developers. It simplifies teamwork by allowing you to define roles and permissions for each user.

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