The threats faced by different species in their natural habitat have made it necessary to have alternative strategies for their conservation. In this sense, the zoos of Mexico City constitute a fundamental tool for the conservation of species. Since they have ex situ conservation projects (outside their natural habitat). Two of the great contributions of zoos to the conservation of wild species include. Reproduction programs in captivity, for their subsequent reintroduction to free life, and the isolation of threats they face in free life, such as illegal hunting, diseases and competition with other non-native species. The teams from the San Juan de Aragón, Los Coyotes and Chapultepec zoos have been leaders since 1987, when the captive breeding and management programs for the Mexican Wolf began.

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In years, several pairs have managed to reproduce, obtaining numerous litters, through which the zoos of Mexico City have contributed a total of 85 wolf cubs to the recovery program for this species. The last seven cubs were born at the Los Coyotes Zoo in May of this year, which visitors can observe and enjoy during their Honduras WhatsApp Number List tour of the zoo. Since the beginning of the Binational Recovery Program (USA and Mexico) for the Mexican wolf, the zoos of Mexico City have worked uninterruptedly on various activities of veterinary medical care, behavioral training, selection of lineages, research and training of professional teams for its care and management. The successes obtained in the Mexican wolf conservation program are not an isolated case in the zoos of Mexico City. In recent years, important achievements have also been made in the conservation of the California Condor.

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Starting in the Chapultepec Zoo became involve in this program by receiving condors from the San Diego Safari Park and, later, reproductive pairs were forme with specimens from the Santa Barbara Zoo and again from the San Diego Safari Park. To date, the Chapultepec Zoo has contribute five condors that USA Email List have been sent to the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir, in Baja California, to be reintroduced to their place of origin. This is an unprecedented fact in the history of zoos in Mexico, since it is the first time that a zoo in our country provides specimens of the California Condor born in captivity. To be release into their natural habitat. It is expecte that more condors will be born at the zoo for later transfer to Baja California. Both species are in serious danger of extinction City’s zoos to the conservation of these species.

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