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The email marketing industry is a special place because it’s made up of great people. We at Stripo love to seek opinions on important industry issues. Earlier, we asked opinion leaders about the benefits of multilingual email marketing and email gamification. Today, the topic we decided to talk about concerns women’s self-realization and leadership. We often meet women leaders and influencers in the email marketing industry. At Stripo, we want there to be no boundaries for women’s self-realization in email marketing, which is why, like most of the industry, Consumer Phone Number we also do everything possible for their growth and development.

What dos and don’ts they can share with us

Among team leaders women make up 50% for example. Women in our company successfully lead the support service, content and PR teams, product marketing direction, accounting, HR, HRD, research, and recruitment units. So how did women start to assert their right to vote, and do stereotypes still exist today. Today our material is dedicated to tagging some women in Phone Number Data email marketing. We will find out if women face any particular challenges or issues in the industry, how they cope with them, and what dos and don’ts they can share with us.

Why do we celebrate Women’s equality day

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Women’s equality day has been celebrated every year on August 26 since 1971. On this day in 1920. The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted by the US Congress. Guaranteeing the right to vote to everyone regardless of gender. Since the 19th century women have been constantly fighting for equality in rights with men and this struggle does not stop today. It is essential to be mindful of the challenges, barriers, financial. And other discrimination that women may still face. Today it can be the BUY Lead wage gap between men. And women or gender discrimination in workplaces and business transactions. Therefore on Women’s equality day it is customary to celebrate women’s achievements in equal rights, education, work, business, and politics in all areas thanks to which women create a reliable basis for their strong future.

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