A New Collaborative Tweets Feature

Google Ads rolls out diagnostic insights to help advertisers immediately identify and troubleshoot issues on ad campaigns.The new CoTweet feature allows Twitter users to collaborate on a single tweet to reach more people on the platform.

Twitter has announced the new CoTweet feature, which provides a “way for two authors to share the spotlight, showcase their contributions, and engage with more people.”It’s a limited-time experiment available to select accounts in Canada, Korea, and the United States. also added a disclaimer, saying that at the end of the experiment they may turn off the feature and remove published CoTweets.

A CoTweet is a co-authored Tweet that’s posted

simultaneously to both authors’ profiles rcs data and their followers’ timelines. One author creates the CoTweet and initiates an invite to the co-author. The co-author must accept the CoTweet invitation for it to publish. If it’s declined, the CoTweet invite is deleted.

Here’s how you can create a CoTweet:

  1. Open the Tweet composer.
  2. Add the co-authored messaging and tap the CoTweet icon.
  3. Select a co-author from your follower list and tap“Send invite.”

Note that you cannot edit a CoTweet content after an invite is sent

The only option is to delete the CoTweet  and start a fashion designer again. According to Twitter, you can send CoTweet invites to people that follow you and have public accounts.

There are also several limitations to this feature, such as the following:

  • Only the CoTweet author who sent the invite can pin the CoTweet to their profile.
  • Only the first Tweet in a thread can be a CoTweet.
  • You cannot promote a CoTweet.
  • The CoTweet author who sent the invite is the one who can manage conversation controls and author moderated replies.

If someone invites you to co-author a Tweet, you’ll receive a direct message (DM) and a notification that you were invited to CoTweet. As per Twitter, at this time invitations don’t expire. If you’re the CoTweet author, you will receive a notification when your invite is accepted or declined and published or deleted. Google Ads rolls out diagnostic insights to help advertisers immediately identify and troubleshoot issues on ad campaigns.

To learn more about how CoTweets work, visit Twitter’s FAQ article.


Google Ads Diagnostic Insights Now Available in Beta


Google Ads introduces diagnostic insights, an search engine optimization mails efficient way for advertisers to identify the issues that are preventing ad campaigns from showing, causing low engagement, and making it hard to measure conversions.

This data is available on the Insights and Overview page. To find it, sign in to your Google Ads account, then navigate to the “Insights” tab.

When you click on “Show all campaign diagnostics,” you’ll see a more detailed breakdown for the following issues:

  • Account status
  • Billing status
  • Policy review
  • Conversion tracking
  • Campaign budget
  • Bid strategy target
  • Campaign status
  • Ad strength

Google Ads also provides advertisers with tailored recommendations under the progress bar

which takes the guesswork out of fixing the problems that the diagnostic check finds.

For now, diagnostic insights are only available for Performance Max campaigns, but ​​according to Google, it will expand to other campaign types over the next few months. Note as well that Insights may not be available for all accounts, as Google explains in this article. To learn more about the Insights page in beta mode, visit this article.

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