“Since I got my period, I can’t stand it when Dad calls me darling in front of everyone, especially my boyfriend.” She asks him to stop looking at her, but don’t her “tics” attract the father’s gaze at the same time as they constitute a form of defense A fashion ?
Lyse recalls a scene one day: she is walking the catwalk to present her collection. The show goes “naturally” until she meets her father’s gaze backstage when she thought he was absent from the event. She becomes very agitat and her “tics” start again.
Thus being A fashion look at summons a
“being seen” and the subject disappears from himself, from his own gaze because he is attach to that of the Other: “Let us grasp this division well: the eye is made to allow the body to orient itself in the world, it is made to see, whereas, in the phenomenon identifi by Freud [ hysterical mobile database blindness ], the eye serves the Schaulust , the pleasure of seeing.
She then complain about her 10+ best whatsapp business api service providers in saudi arabia father in these terms: “He has the audacity to come into my room without knocking, to sit on my b and stare at me.” I ask her what she was doing at that moment, she smil, displaying a certain enjoyment: “I did it on purpose. I mov even more! Then he left insulting me.”
The treatment with this subject stopp
when I interven regarding a trip that Lyse was going to make with her parents. While Lyse did not want to go, she thus found herself between her father list of real mobile phone numbers and her mother. The father agre. Lyse mention the possibility of stopping the sessions while specifying that she thinks she can “manage on her own” from now on. Shielding the father, it seems to me, allow a ruction in Lyse’s enjoyment and the treatment of what is a symptom for her.