Tips for Pitching to Potential Podcast Guests

Posted By Guest Blogger 23rd of February 2017 General  0 Comments


This is a guest contribution from Karly Nimmo.

As a podcaster, I’m inundated with requests and pitches from people who are looking for some free PR.

As a podcaster, I’m totally down with cmb directory receiving these requests and pitches.  I love to hear from people who have something of value to share with my audience.

However, as a podcaster, there’s a few things I’m not down with.  Common mistakes I see potential guests make time and time again.

Know that we podcasters love a good pitch.  We love nothing more than introducing our audience to people who have something of interest; a good story, valuable information or inspiration.  It’s why we do what we do.

So for those of you out there looking to get exposure for your brand, blog, book, event, or yourself, through getting onto other people’s podcasts, listen up.  I’ve got some tips that might just help save your pitch from the trash can.

1. Make the host feel special

There is nothing worse than receiving a blanket email that you’ve obviously sent out to every other podcaster you’ve ever come across.  Or, even worse, from your PR person.

I get it.  You think using a PR person makes you look more professional.  Or maybe you feel like you don’t have time.  I get that too!  I’m running two podcasts, two businesses and running around after a toddler.  We are all busy.  But know this…  A blanket email does nothing to raise my interest as a host.  It doesn’t make me feel special at all.

The second I see a blanket pitch, in the trash it goes.  You don’t respect my time?  I won’t respect yours.

2. Do your research first

Please.  Do your research first.  I can’t updated 2024 mobile phone number data tell you how many times I get an email from someone who clearly knows NOTHING about my show.  My podcast is a storytelling format, so it’s bleedingly obvious someone has not even looked at my podcast, when they email pitching ’10 ways to drive more traffic to your website’.

Take a few moments to check out their podcast.  See if they’ve already covered your topic.  Make a note of what that guest spoke about.  And when you go to pitch, have some ideas ready to go.  Angles they might not have covered before.

If, when doing your research, you notice that they tend to only speak to women, and you’re not a woman, mention that in your pitch.  Point out that you noticed it’s primarily women and would they be interested in perhaps getting a man’s perspective.

Or if it’s a solo show, mention that.  ‘Hey. Noticed your show is generally a solo show, but I thought your audience might be interested in *insert topic here*.  Would you be open to an interview?’

Going in leading with what you’ve discovered and the value you can bring, will put you on the top of the prospective guests list.

3. Keep it brief

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No one has time to read War and Peace.  Keep it brief and to the point.

  • Why you are contacting them
  • What you can offer (perhaps a couple of potential personalised topics you could talk on)
  • Where they might learn more about you (it’s always great to list a couple of really good podcast interviews you’ve done previously), and;
  • a thank you

You don’t need to waffle on about yourself.  Just be brief and to the point, but friendly, polite and personalised.  Add a bit of you into the correspondence.  Don’t be all dry and stiff – unless you are dry and stiff.

4. It’s not about you

Make your pitch about them, not ફ્યુઝન CX મોરોક્કો-આધારિત ફાઇનાક્સેસ BPO અને ts પેટાકંપનીઓ હસ્તગત કરે … about you.  What value can you bring?  What problems might you be able to solve for their audience?

Remember; podcasters are human just like you.   And we are always looking for amazing guests to wow, inspire or inform our audience.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought I should reach out to someone and had them tell me they had wanted to reach out, but let fear stop them.  Don’t assume someone doesn’t want to hear from you.  You never know unless you ask. Always ask.

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