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Why take a proactive approach in our organization?

Technological and IT developments are accelerating every year, forcing companies and organizations to constantly update themselves in order to respond to the rapid changes in the environment. Although advances translate into new opportunities, they are also accompani by new risks that can affect the integrity of our data and services, as well as those of our collaborators.

Given this situation, there are two complementary protection approaches in the field of cybersecurity, and understanding them will help us define a more robust defense strategy to better protect your business: reactive security and proactive security.

What is reactive security?

Reactive security refers to measures that seek to improve our defenses against common cyberattacks, as well as identify those that have already been breach . These measures are consider a basic element of system security.

Why is this important? To understand this, let’s use an example that applies to our commercial strategy. Let’s suppose that our business is dicat to e-commerce, and we receive a complaint about the delay in the shipment of one of our products. In this case, in addition to trying to resolve the incident, we will analyze the causes that have caus the delay: whether it is due to the preparation and shipment of the package, the transport company…

Returning to the security of our business

Our website could be subject to an attack that would disable its activity. In such a case, we would try to resolve the incident as soon as welcome to photo retouch itior website possible, but we would also investigate its origin (if there have been breaches in the security systems, if our crentials have been stolen and how, etc.) to apply corrective measures. This set of actions is part of a vulnerability analysis.


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Given this situation, we can establish a series of techniques under this reactive approach:

Updating all systems : First of all, it is important to update our systems , especially with regard to defense tools such as antivirus and firewall , since they can not only detect the attack, but also prevent it.
Contingency and business continuity policy : if these measures fail and an incident occurs, it will be necessary to manage the situation, for DevOps-ის მნიშვნელობა მობილური აპლიკაციების შემუშავებაში which it will be essential to have a contingency and business continuity policy . This must include all the actions to recover from or mitigate the consequences of an incident, whether physical or cybernetic. In addition, it will also help us avoid making decisions that could harm us in a critical situation.
Reactive security may not immiately detect potential threats, and may never even identify the most invisible threats to a company’s information systems.

In any case, depending on the nature

Of the incident, and even after applying the above security measures, the effects could be serious. Therefore, anticipating cyberthreats adb directory and knowing the possible objectives of cybercriminals in our organization will be our best defense strategy.

What is proactive security?
Unlike reactive security, this approach focuses on preventing incidents , that is, identifying risks or vulnerabilities present in the system before they are exploit for illegitimate purposes or cause unintentional data leakage. Below we will tell you about the main techniques and strategies of proactive security.


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