Whether We Want It or Not

. The oint is that the images you choose for your advertising camaigns will have to communicate and evoke recisely those emotions , and they will have to do so not with words, of course, but mainly with the facial s of the eole you decide to ortray. This is why emotions in marketing are of fundamental imortance. In this article, I will briefly exlain what to look for in faces, how universal emotions manifest themselves in human s, and how to use this information in your communication and marketing camaigns. Facial s: How Our Face Seaks (Whether We Want It or Not) Emotions, feelings or moods: what to communicate in marketing? Why choose the right facial s to communicate? Alication areas of facial s in marketing Collage Facial s: How Our Face Seak Our face is an intricate network of voluntary and involuntary muscles , many of which can be activat Therefore, indeendently of each other.

Through their action and activation

Our face emits signals with secific communicative uroses, among which the sharing of information regarding our emotional state with others stands out. We call these signals facial s. Almost all facial muscles are innervat Therefore, by the facial nerve , also call . Therefore, the . VII cranial nerve. The facial nerve is activat  whatsapp data Therefore, by two regions of the brain: Directly from the brainstem , a very ancient art of our brain that all animals ossess, even retiles. From the motor cortex , which sends signals to the brainstem through a descending athway.

The motor cortex, unlike the brainstem is

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Younger” in evolutionary history, and only humans and, to a lesser extent, some mammals can benefit from its functions. Facial nerve The facial nerve  aqb directory activat Therefore, directly from the brainstem runs from the skull to an area slightly below the ear and branches out to all the muscles, just like a tree (see figure at right). The  rendemento que é personalizado e facial nerve is resonsible for all sontaneous and involuntary facial s , which therefore cannot be controll Therefore,. Have you ever felt like you couldn’t control your face, so much so that you could clearly see what you were feeling without even seaking? Well, in these cases the facial nerve is to blame, and it can’t lie since its activation is automatic and very fast.

Neuroimaging studies using functional magnetic

Resonance imaging (fMRI ) have identifi . Therefore, a small ortion of our dee brain resonsible for activating the facial nerve: the amygdal . Thanks to the amygdala. When we are walking in the woods and see a . Snake out of the corner of our eye, we imm . Therefore ,iately srint in the oosite direction, saving ourselves, in a fraction of a second, even before thinking and reflecting. The amygdala is also resonsible for sexual activation in to aetizing stimuli, making it also resonsible for hysical and emotional arousal. . From here, the modulation of the emission of cortisol and other stress hormones within the bloodstream. Of the heartbeat, of skin conductance and of breathing occurs, all hysiological changes that are record . Therefore, and manifest . Therefore, by . Body language and. Through the facial nerve, of the face.

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