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Magileads: when AI is used to score prospects

Scoring involves assigning a score to each lead bas on their engagement level, i.e. their behavior towards your brand and product. For example, a lead is said to warm up if they visit the pricing page. In simple terms, behavioral scoring gives a clear idea of ​​the maturity level of your leads.

This is a powerful technique that can help you optimize your prospecting strategy. It is us in particular to segment your web traffic. The behavior of prospects towards a site or several sites can in fact be translat into a score. Similarly, their behavior record upon receipt of emails (opening, clicks), for example,

can allow you to evaluate their position

There are three main levels of engagement: ucation, consideration, and decision. The message you send to prospects evolves at each acquisition stage. You can personalize your ucational content as your prospects engage. In fact, it’s essential to ucate your specific database by industry  target before you present your services to them.

specific database by industry

Density scoring quantifies a user’s journey on a website. It helps you classify your visitors’ behaviors. It allows you to identify the people who ne to be contact. This gives you a clear idea of ​​when and how to follow up with them. Determining factors can be connection time and number of clicks.

Artificial intelligence has definitely succe in conquering the world of marketing. In BtoC, it has become essential for marketing departments the importance of trust and cribility  in implementing their digital strategy. In BtoB, the situation is a little more complex since it is not easy to collect relevant data on companies.

However, this data is at the heart of commercial prospecting. It must be quantitative and qualitative to allow the effective capture of leads.


Marketing automation to segment your prospects

This extremely detail contact list will allow your marketing teams to generate qualifi leads ready to be convert into customers by your salespeople. On this point, Magileads strives to update its database almost daily. You can therefore be sure to work with reliable and relevant data.


Computer programs use deep learning  america email list software to study and analyze your prospect’s scoring. It is interesting to see how these algorithms improve over time. The interest of this verbatim analysis is crucial insofar as it allows marketers to draw relevant conclusions about the profile or behavior of prospects. This upstream preparation facilitates decision-making and allows for greater efficiency.

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