Šta je Growth Hacking i kako ga implementirati [video]

It was born in the USA and spread around the world. Your mission? That’s the challenge: getting marketing companies to stop distracting people with ads and start attracting them with quality content. The expected result is nothing less than creating customers who are fans of the brand.

inbound Is inbound successful outside of Brazil? Find out at GoDigital 2016 | Curitiba

And I can already say that the mission is more than accomplished, Inbound Marketing has surprising results all over the world!

When it turns out that we receive daily

more than 5,000 advertising messages, we begin to realize that something is wrong. “Isn’t there a smarter way to attract customers? Is it just one of thousands of pamphlets, videos, newspapers, etc., are the questions asked by Marcelo Trigo, specialist in inbound marketing.

Therefore, this year the GoDigital Curitiba team decided to bring Rodrigo Souto, Marketing Manager for Latin America at Hubspot, the company that created Inbound Marketing, to discover how to stand out in this environment and reach potential customers in the best possible way.

“Hubspot, as a market leader with more than 19,000 clients and 2,500 partner agencies worldwide, has

a lot to teach us. After all, Inbound

is still in its infancy in Brazil”, analyzes Trigo.

Rodrigo’s talk aims to demonstrate the basic concepts that have made Inbound Marketing a successful methodology. These concepts are ignored in the vast majority of cases – resulting in campaigns without results.

Many companies have created “magic” and limited inbound marketing formulas. “But inbound is so much more than creating posts and e-books. It is a viable alternative to delight customers instead of them

you terminate, in most cases, with lower costs

from traditional marketing”, concludes Marcelo Trigo.

So, if you realize that randomly kno Liste faksa cking on the doors of potential clients doesn’t work, you need to

Liste faksa

learn about Inbound that really works around the

Marketing manager in Latin Am  Fünf großartige Android-Apps für Filmliebhaber erica at HubSpot, one of the world’s leading companies in the field of digital strategy and conversion, as well as the creator of Inbound Marketing.

He graduated in marketing communicatio bulk lead ns from Emerson College in Boston (USA). Its mission is to increase inbound marketing in Brazil. During the last 8 years he worked in several e-commerce companies, B2C focused on international marketing, full-funnel marketing, SEO and paid acquisitionvremenu u digitalnom marketingu je sve

o čemu sanjaju marketinški stručnjaci i njihov menadžer

Ali jeste li znali da već postoji područje fokusirano samo na ovaj cilj? To je hakovanje rasta. Kompanije koje ulažu u digitalni marketing već imaju profesionalce specijalizirane samo za ovaj segment.

Kako to rade? Postoji mnoštvo tehnika koje se istražuju kako bi se postigli ciljevi, kao što je dobivanje više potencijalnih klijenata ili pravog traga. Ove tehnike dijele ovi profesionalci. Kada upoznate neke od njih vidjet ćete da nije čarolija, iako su vrlo zanimljivi trikovi.


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