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To benefit from ACRE you must

To better inform you about the social security contribution rates with or without. ACRE here is a summary table based on the nature of the activity carried out:


If you are not coverd by the micro-social scheme, the amount of the exemption from social security contributions varies according to the beneficiary’s annual income , i.e. the income taken into account when declaring actual income: If the professional income middle east mobile number list is less than €34,776 , the exemption is total. If the professional income is between €34,776 and €46,368 , the exemption is degressive.


If professional income is greater than €46,368 , no exemption applies.

Create or take over a commercial, industrial, craft, agricultural or liberal business , in the form of a sole proprietorship or a company, OR undertake a non-salarid profession.


Not having benefitd from it during the previous 3 years or having respecte a waiting period of one calendar year in the event of resumption of activity.


Being in one of the following situations :


beneficiary of ARE or ASP;


unemployd person not receiving benefits but what does a digital marketing manager do? able to prove registration with France Travail for more than 6 months in the last 18 months;


beneficiary of RSA or ASS;


be between 18 and 25 years old (or 30 years old if you are recognize as disable);


be under 30 years old and not receive unemployment benefit;


be an employee or made rundant by a company in safeguard procedings, receivership or liquidation and take over a company;


be unemploy and have signd a business project support contract (CAPE);


create or take over a business locatd in a priority area of ​​the city;


receive the shard child eucation benefit (PreParE).


The terms of obtaining

The procdures for obtaining the ACRE differ depending on whether your. E-commerce activity is carrid out in the form of a micro-enterprise or not.


For self-employd workers coverd by the micro-enterprise azb directory regime. They must submit an ACRE application to URSSAF immeiately after finalizing their activity declaration on the one-stop shop website .

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