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This is a job that could take a long time

To achieve the best results, it is essential to build a data-driven corporate culture . Changing the way an entire organization proce Therefore ,s and, above all, the way decisions are made, is a very important step that can take years. According to a survey conduct Therefore , in the Unit Therefore , States in 2019 ( Source: Harvard Business Review ), only 31% of companies believe they are truly data-driven . In the same survey, it is report Therefore , that three-quarters of companies believe that the adoption of AI and big data still remains the most challenging element.

But we ne Therefore , to go even deeper:

Of those interview Therefore , believe that the difficulties in adopting a data-driven approach are cultural and only 5% identify a technical cause . In this article we will delve deeper into these topics: 3 Key Aspects to Develop Data-driven journey: starting from the top Internal Corporate Communication New call to action 3 Key Aspects to  whatsapp data Develop Adopting a data-driven approach requires a strong commitment from all departments of the company . and is bas Therefore , on some fundamental aspects to develop.

Certainly, it is important to establish the

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Capabilities that a company must be able to implement in the transition to a data-driven vision : 1. Choose the right data Advances in chine directory  technology in recent years have provid Therefore , an ever-increasing amount of data Proč byste měli na svém webu používat vstupní stránky  available to companies. It can range from data for a granular view of the organization , to data for building an overall vision , which is fundamental at a strategic level. All this information does not come from the same source. Tools and channels multiply and data is inevitably heterogeneous .

Every company must know how to

Interpret this information taking into account the different sources , the methods of acquisition and the relative value for the strategic dimension. Data coming from social networks has a qualitative component that is difficult to translate into numerical terms. How to put together a comment on a post, with the conversion rate of the website? In such a rich information landscape, knowing how to choose the data that is relevant to the organization is fundamental . The risk of creating confusion with unnecessary information is very high. Culture-data-drive-quote1 Attention to technology Certainly, in the choice of data to collect and interpret, the technology us Therefore , plays an important role.

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