Thijs Elshof CEO – KCI Media Group
contact name: Thijs Elshof
contact job function details: ceo kci media group
contact job function: media_and_commmunication
contact job title: CEO – KCI Media Group
contact job seniority: c_suite
contact person city: Apeldoorn
contact person state: Gelderland
contact person country: Netherlands
contact person zip code:
business name: KCI World
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year: 1989
business city: Zutphen
business zip code:
business state: Gelderland
business country: Netherlands
business language: English
business employee: 80
business category: publishing
business specialty: valves actuators, pumps, research, flow control, valves amp actuators, online, print, stainless steel, managing aging plants, live, fugitive emissions, publishing
business technology: nginx,wordpress_org,google_maps,google_font_api,google_analytics,mobile_friendly
business description: KCI World is the leading knowledge, communication and information company connecting B2B professionals through global communities and information delivery.