The employee may perceive the words differently
As a result, the conversation will become a pure formality. The person is simply tasked with confirming and formalizing the dismissal. The same applies to notifying an employee via messenger or email. Text messages can distort the tone of communication and the emotional subtext that was laid down by the manager. based on his vision, emotional state, or simply because he wants to understand this situation differently. In any case, you cannot fire a person in this way.
This shows disrespect towards your former colleague
Which may affect his impression of the organization. The story namibia phone number library of accountant Elena Kostina, who collected a combo of mistakes when leaving one company and wrote about her experience. Source: The “Appeal to the Personality” Scenario: Firing in a Rude Form The most dangerous thing that can happen during a dismissal conversation is an open conflict between the manager and the employee, with personal attacks and a heated argument.
This sometimes happens in Russian practice
Remember that all work-related discussions should be limited exclusively to the employee’s professional skills. If an employer starts criticizing an employee’s personal qualities, this can lead to retaliatory aggression. Which will provoke a conflict and negative consequences both for the employee, for example, and for the company’s reputation.
Being laid off due to redundancy is stressful in itself
And criticism of one’s personality has a negative impact on these links into account in its algorithms. a person’s self-esteem and can permanently turn them against you. Soft dismissal: a step-by-step plan on how to properly part ways with employees In this paragraph, we will answer the question of whether a manager can fire an employee painlessly. First, we will emphasize that this plan does not apply to situations where the issue of dismissal has become acute.
When an employee needs to be fired for failure
To meet work standards due to actions that are objectively harmful to ca cell numbers the company, and this needs to be done quickly; When an employee can be fired due to health reasons. The plan is suitable for cases when you can fire a person who is doing well, but is not very effective and cannot perform certain tasks.