Few of us have had the opportunity to plant a tree and feel, for a while. That satisfaction of helping our planet. Regularly, the places where these trees are plante are ecological reserves and areas where biodiversity is intende to be recovere. According to the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR) , Mexico is among the top ten countries in the world in forest resources , due to its diversity. However , our country faces increasing processes of deforestation, loss and degradation of ecosystems. Currently, there are few areas that are serve by the government, which is why some organizations in charge of preserving the environment carry out volunteer programs and members of the communities themselves to continue preserving these types of places in good condition.

How is the area to reforest chosen?

Advantages of reforestation With more trees, more oxygen is produce.  The air is purifie Fertile soils are forme Erosion is prevente The rivers are kept clean.  Functions as refuges for wildlife Soil temperature is reduce.  The establishment of other species is encourage Regenerates soil nutrients There is an improvement in the Greece WhatsApp Number List landscape.  How is the area to reforest chosen? Data from show that to determine the site where reforestation will be establishe, it is of utmost importance to make field trips to know and carefully analyze the social and ecological characteristics of the property. As well as determine what the adverse environmental factors are to the that will have to be face to achieve effective reforestation. Companies committe to biodiversity In addition to organizations and governments, there are companies that, thanks to their commitment to the environment and offer part of their time to reforest some areas of Mexico.

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Companies committed to biodiversity

An example of this is Igasamex, a Mexican company that offers comprehensive solutions for the use of natural gas. Which since 2016, involves employees from all areas of the company with the environment, through reforestation. In 2018, it was carrie out on the property calle “La Loba. Locate around the Nevado de Toluca Taiwan Email List area with the help of Reforestamos México. In addition to contributing to the environment. Employees and their companions celebrate Family Day, a day that is part of the activities that belong to the values ​​by which the company is governe. What species of flora and fauna  found in this reserve? According to experts. In this reserve near the foothills of the Nevado de Toluca you can find species of oak pine. Gregi pine and jarberi pine, this last species being the one that Igasamex collaborators happily plante.

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