Home » Blog » The carousel is the favorite format on LinkedIn, with an average of 1,387 impressions and a 30.02% engagement rate, according to Metricool’s ‘LinkedIn Study 2024’

The carousel is the favorite format on LinkedIn, with an average of 1,387 impressions and a 30.02% engagement rate, according to Metricool’s ‘LinkedIn Study 2024’

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Metricool has present its LinkIn Study 2024 , which aims to understand the evolution and trends of the social network by collecting the activity carri out on the company pages connect to this social mia management tool. And one of its most notable conclusions is that “the carousel is LinkIn’s star format, being the most important in almost all key metrics.”

As stat in the press release sent by Metricool today, Wnesday 21 February, with the results of the study, the carousel “is the type of publication that receives the most impressions, with an average of 1387.2 impressions per post and well above the rest. Images, which get an average of 703.3, are more equal with the rest of the formats, 672.15 for videos and 589.55 for the text format”.

In turn, this format “is the

A most relevant in the engagement ratio, obtaining an average of 32.02%. Once again, it is above the rest, almost tripling the second format, which is images (11.20%), which has a clear advantage over video (4.39%) and text (4.35%).”

«Carousels also prevail over metrics in which the user has to actively participate. Thus, it specific database by industry is the format that generates the most clicks, with an average of 427.38 clicks per post and the one that is shar the most, with an average of 1.70 shares per post,» adds the press release from Metricool, which has also publish this Instagram Study 2023 .

specific database by industry

More data from Metricool’s LinkIn Study 2024

As the press release with the results of Metricool’s LinkIn 2024 Study continues , “likes and reactions follow suit, with carousels standing out with an average of 14.54 likes per post, this time closely follow by images (14.12 per post).”

“And even comments, interaction in which they lead the first place with an magileads white label: an opportunity for agencies, integrators and consultants average of 0.49 comments per post, with a minimal difference with respect to the image (0.48 per post) and video (0.47 per post),” he adds.

In this sense, it emphasizes that “this aspect surprisingly clashes with the aleart news number of carousels publish by brand accounts, since the format is the one that is us the least, accounting for only 78,522 carousels out of 1,578,969 posts analyz.”

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