Recognitiones sunt instrumentum validum ad negotium tuum

Data Investigationis indagatio asserit: 99% clientium aestimationes legere antequam certo societatis emptione vel eligendo efficiatur. Aliorum experientia est quae adiuvat homines decisiones facere. Magnus numerus bonorum recognitionum fingit societatis imaginem pro certo venditore. Hoc modo homines intellegunt factum ab aliis emptoribus probatum et probatum esse. Legis Compass emporium – nuntium ad efficax et tutum opus…

How do you create effective blog outlines using AI?

Creating a well-structured blog outline is the foundation for crafting engaging, informative, and valuable content. Outlines help writers organize their thoughts, maintain clarity, and stay focused on the topic. However, brainstorming the perfect structure can often feel overwhelming, especially when juggling multiple tasks. Enter artificial intelligence (AI)—a revolutionary tool that has transformed the content creation…

Offshore outsourcing Madagascar overtakes Mauritius

 Recently, after restoring constitutional order in Madagascar, President Hery Rajaonarimampianina has once again invit foreigners to invest more on the R Island. However, for Mauritius, it is quite another thing. Inde, if the Big Island begins to flourish in the market, it will become a major competitor for Mauritius in terms of offshore outsourcing ….

Do you know the power of social media for your business?

Social media is currently an excellent lever for successfully promoting a business. In a context where the internet has taken a considerable place in our social life, platforms like Facebook or Instagram can be of great help in a digital marketing campaign. Table of Contents How much power does social media have over your business?…

Stories → key factor in the success of a business

As you know, posts, whether on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat, are the showcase of your company. But now, these 2.0 giants have integrated a new feature into their platforms: stories. These will allow social network users to immerse themselves behind the scenes of your company. Table of Contents What is a story? The power of…

How to manage bad buzz on social networks?

Since the growing popularity of social networks, almost all companies now have a Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram account. Unfortunately, these participatory platforms are proving to be fertile ground for a phenomenon that everyone dreads: bad buzz  ! Table of Contents Bad buzz: a reminder of its definition! Prevention is the only way to avoid bad buzz…

Does the call center still have a future?

Customer relations are currently at their peak. And as proof, call centers are flourishing in major offshore destinations such as India, Madagascar or Mauritius. However, the sector is now in direct competition with new technologies such as artificial intelligence, which leads observers to wonder about the future of call centers . The call center boom In their…

What digital tools are needed to successfully

Since the democratization of teleworking, the use of digital tools has experienced exponential growth. These new software programs have made it possible to compensate for the physical absence of employees so as not to impact employee productivity. Table of Contents Digital tools for monitoring, reporting and control Digital tools for task management Digital videoconferencing tools…

Business Process Outsourcing or BPO? Why Not?

The practice of business process outsourcing or BPO is becoming more and more common. Indeed, long relegated to the closet because it was considered unfavorable, today, this approach is considered a lever for the competitiveness of companies, whether they are large firms, SMEs or VSEs. Business process outsourcing or BPO: a desire for performance and…

Outsourcing: among the essential levers for successful

Outsourcing is at the heart of the concerns of any modern company looking to refocus on its core business. Time management, productivity gains, cost reduction… The potential benefits of outsourcing are numerous. However, many are still reluctant to take the plunge, for fear of losing control of certain tasks or simply through ignorance of the…