WhatsApp аркылуу кардарларды кантип тартуу керек?

WhatsApp аркылуу натыйжалуу маркетинг жана сатуу WhatsAppта эффективдүү маркетинг жана сатууга инвестиция салуу керекпи ? Бул суроо жазышуу тиркемелеринин популярдуулугун билген ар бир ишкердин оюнда . Сизге түшүнүк берүү үчүн! WhatsApp ай сайын 2 миллиард активдүү колдонуучулары бар жана дүйнөдөгү эң көп колдонулган платформа . Абдан таасирдүү фигура! туурабы? Эгер сиз көбүрөөк кардарларды тартуу! көбүрөөк…

After you know the characteristics of fraud

Tips to Avoid Danacita Fraud Mode This section will explain in more detail tips to avoid fraud in the name of Danacita. 1. Danacita Transfers Education Fees Directly to Educational Institutions, Not to Personal Accounts After your application is approved and the agreement document has been signed by you & your guardian, Danacita will immediately…

Every time you get a message on WhatsApp

Tips to Avoid Danacita Fraud Mode This section will explain in more detail tips to avoid fraud in the name of Danacita. 1. Danacita Transfers Education Fees Directly to Educational Institutions, Not to Personal Accounts After your application is approved and the agreement document has been signed by you & your guardian, Danacita will immediately…

Circular Economy of a Webinar: The Content That Produces Content

Seminars, courses, round tables, events. Whether we like it or not, most of the training, information and meeting opportunities have moved online. On the one hand, this can generate a certain effort to adapt in us, as users, and a certain operational confusion, as organizers… But if you look closely, if you deal with online…