Topic Research in Content Marketing

New ideas are needed on a regular basis when finding topics in content marketing. Where do you start? Which process is suitable? Research in Content Marketing Which tools help your creativity to get going? And: How can topic ideas then be prioritized for editorial implementation? All the answers follow here.

content marketing goals

When coming up with ideas (also called ideation), the goals overseas data of content marketing should always be kept in mind. This is because the topic has a decisive influence on whether a targeted group of people can be enthusiastic about the content – or not. We have collected some good reasons for content marketing and thus meaningful results that can be achieved with the right corporate content in this blog post.

Before collecting new topic ideas, a content audit should be carried out to get an overview of what content is already available, where the scope and/or quality should be improved, and where there are obvious thematic gaps.
This is because many things may not even need to be created from scratch. It is often much easier and quicker to breathe new life into old resources (see content recycling).

An exciting question that an audit or ongoing content analysis can also answer: Which topics have worked well so far and which have not?

his evaluation can provide valuable information what do you mean by generating leads through whatsapp? for future topic selection. Topics that have been the most successful so far (depending on the goal, for example . Research in Content Marketing  based on page views, content consumption rate, scroll depth or similar metrics) can be expanded further or prepared in other formats . Dealing with disappointing results is a greater challenge . Because it is not always clear whether it was due to the topic itself or to poor quality, the chosen format or simply a lack of content seeding .

Just ask

Your own brainstorming can of course be an excellent starting point for developing new topic ideas. After all, no one else knows the products or services on offer as well as you do. However, there is a danger that this insider view. From the company will cell phone number constantly bring topics into focus that are not all that interesting from the customer’s point of view. After all, the often-quoted motto in content marketing is . The bait has to appeal to the fish, not the angler!”

You should therefore take countermeasures early on and set the course for customer centricity . Working with a content marketing agency or freelancers as external experts can be a first step against your own operational blindness. Other ideas:

Internal search: If a search function is offered on the website, an analysis of the entries here provides exciting insights. Research in Content Marketing  . Which functions or information do the people who already find their way to you need most often? And: Are the results for these search queries already . Satisfactory or do many visitors have to leave the website in frustration? The first content gaps can be identified in this way  . Even if there may of course be a huge sampling error because you may want to reach  . People with content who have not yet found their way to the website.

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