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When applying for a job, one of the stages that must be passed before finally being able to get it is conducting an interview. For most applicants, the interview is the most challenging stage, especially for students or fresh graduates because it could be their first experience. This is because they have to face and answer questions from the interviewer directly.

For interviews, companies generally create two stages, namely an interview with HR first, then an interview with the user. Of course, both have their own challenges because you have to prepare answers that can be convincing. Here are tips for those of you who want to prepare yourself before your first job interview.

Before conducting an interview, of course, you as an database shop  applicant must prepare as well as possible. You can do a lot of research about the position and also the company you are applying for.


In addition, you can also try to find out more about the representative of the company who will interview you. One way to do this is to look at the person’s LinkedIn profile so you can learn about the person’s role in the company. Don’t forget to also prepare for questions related to yourself, such as for introductions, weaknesses, strengths, skills possessed and many others. Your answers should illustrate that you will contribute to achieving the company’s vision and mission.

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If you prepare well and not just briefly or even suddenly, then your self-confidence will likely be stronger or increase. This is because you have spent a lot of time trying to learn the interview. So make sure to take enough time to prepare.

Practice, Practice, Practice

After collecting various information needed during the interview, you can then try to practice the interview. You can practice yourself in front of a mirror or ask someone you trust to pretend to be the interviewer. You can make important points that  los motores de búsqueda comprenden los vínculos de retroceso delyou should remember for each type of question. In addition, when practicing, make sure you practice gestures, expressions and eye contact.

Regulating Your Breath


At times like this, try to regulate your aub directory  breathing by taking a deep breath, holding it, then exhaling.


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