Provide win-win solutions When dealing with a stubborn employee, finding a win-win solution can create a win-win outcome for both parties. For example, if an employee feels that their current duties are too overwhelming, work with them to adjust the job to better suit their abilities and interests while still meeting the job requirements.
Win-win solutions reduce conflict and facilitate more effective collaboration
When both parties feel they benefit from the country email list solution, employees are more likely to change their behavior and work relationships improve.
Stephen Covey, author of the famous book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, emphasized the importance of win-win thinking in management. He advised: “Win-win thinking is not a technique, but a total philosophy of human interaction. It begins with the belief that we can find solutions that benefit everyone involved.”
Applying to how to manage stubborn employees, you can try the following method:
Listen carefully to employee concerns about sales targets.
Work with employees to identify skills they the advantages of this project management method want to develop (e.g., presentation, negotiation).
Propose a deal: if they commit to hitting their quota, you’ll invest in training them in those skills.
This way, the company still meets its sales targets, while employees have the opportunity to develop themselves – a true win-win.
Building personal relationships
Building a personal relationship with a stubborn employee can reduce conflict and increase cooperation. Here’s how to deal with stubborn people before they get too out of hand. Taking the time to learn about their interests, personal goals, and life circumstances can help you create a deeper connection. Participate in group activities, organize get-togethers outside of work, or simply chat regularly about non-work related things.
When employees feel that you care about them as individuals, they are more likely to be open and receptive to feedback. Good personal relationships foster trust and respect, which in turn improves working relationships.
Be patient but be consistent
Requiring patience is an important way to manage stubborn employees. Behavioral change does not happen overnight; you need to be patient and continue to b2b reviews support the employee through the process. However, at the same time, you must be consistent with company policies and procedures to ensure that work standards do not drop.
Being consistent in how you handle issues and apply rules is essential to ensuring fairness and efficiency. Patience combined with consistency helps employees understand that change is necessary and that you are there to support them through the process.