The goal of such promotion is to get a large number of clicks to the Internet resource by promoted and similar keywords. The main traffic comes from medium- and low-frequency queries Promotion by positions.
- Features . When traffic promotion The industry email list semantic core includes tens of thousands of key queries. Therefore, Promotion by positions it is necessary to work through a large volume of content that should be interesting to potential readers and properly optimized for search engines.
To promote, you need to optimize the entire site, constantly increasing content containing keywords. Additionally, traffic from social networks and email newsletters is attracted. At the same time, the subscriber base should be formed only from those users who have given their consent to the newsletter.
Advantages The main advantage of this approach is a stable growth in traffic
- This method is good for promoting young sites that cannot compete with large ones for positions in search results. At the same time, changing the algorithms of search robots has practically no effect on the traffic of a promoted resource: there are so many search queries that even if some fall out of the top, visitors still come for the remaining ones. Also, the advantages of such promotion include quick results.
- Disadvantages . This approach creates a complex reporting system. Thus, when analyzing the results of traffic promotion, it is difficult to determine which visitors came as a result of promotion, and which – due to the natural development of the web resource. When paying, the price does not depend on the quality of the attracted traffic, even if visitors come by random requests. This method requires making changes to the site code and its structure, which is not always possible due to company policy or when using a CMS with closed code.
Promotion by positions
The main goalpromotion by positions— achieving leading positions in search results for specific queries. If a site is at the top of a search engine for selected keywords, the company gains a competitive advantage. On the manage and optimize your eamil marketing lists Internet, users do not like to scroll through search results and spend a long time looking for the right link; they prefer to choose from the offers that appear on the first page of Yandex or Google.
To rise to the top of search results, you need to:
- conduct internal SEO optimization;
- select key queries (when promoting by positions, the number of keys is small, usually from 50 to 500);
- analyze competitors’ websites;
- write competent titles and fill in meta tags;
- fill the promoted pages with unique content containing keywords;
- make cross-linking;
- work on snippets to attract interested visitors;
- Build up your link mass by posting links on reputable web sites.
For such promotion, high- or mid-frequency queries are select. Payment is made only for those search queries for which the site was india number list brought to the top of the search engine.
The website owner can manually check the results of promotion and evaluate the work of the SEO optimizer. Queries can be select individually, taking into account the customer’s goals. The received traffic comes mainly from search engines. The price of promotion is low, and the reporting is easy to understand.
- Disadvantages . It takes a long time to achieve the desired positions for high-frequency queries: usually from 6 to 12 months. It is difficult to stay at the top for a long time, because there are many competing sites on the Internet, whose owners invest money, time and effort to push out the leaders. Such optimization is sensitive to changes in search engine algorithms, and the loss of positions has a sharp and negative effect on the number of visitors and buyers. Optimization is carry out only for selected pages of the web resource, without affecting the rest. When moving up in positions, the number of visitors increases, but it is impossible to guarantee that they will become buyers.