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One of the steps to successful marketing is

 By optimizing these branding elements, people will be more easily attracted, familiar with, and more likely to buy the product. Branding itself is a way of giving an identity to a product, one of the goals is to differentiate it from similar products. For example, spicy noodles, every region must have its own spicy noodles. There is nothing special about this product. However, if given an identity, such as Mie Setan, it is certainly more ticklish and attracts consumer interest. Especially if supported by other factors, such as how it is served, the composition of the chilies, and various other things.

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Understanding the Important Branding Elements for Business

Understanding the illustration of Mie Pedas earlier shows that its branding provides great benefits for a business. To be able to create a successful brand, it must optimize its 4 elements, from vision to media.

1. Vision and Mission

A brand is not just a name, but a hope, idea, or notion about its product. For example, Nike with its Find Your Greatness gives the idea that its users can be special people according to themselves. A brand that offers new ideas will be more easily attached how to build phone number list to its consumers, because they will feel lacking if they do not have it. To actualize the vision – mission, supported by various advantages in its products. Such as giving privileges to its consumers, providing unique and meaningful experiences, or establishing closeness with its consumers. So even though there are similar products, the tendency will remain loyal.

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A logo is a manifestation of a brand or perhaps can be called an icon of its brand. Generally in the form of an image, writing, or a series of various elements so that it is associated with its brand. A good logo is one that is easily recognized, remembered, and represents its brand. So even though at a glance at the logo, consumers will immediately picture Як развіць свой бізнес на Facebook у 2023 годзе? the product. Therefore it must be designed with full consideration.  Choosing the type of logo is also a challenge in itself, there are many types of logos , ranging from Letter Mark, Word Mark, Mascot, and so on. The selection must be in accordance with the branding vision and the psychology of the community.

3. Jargon an icon of

Vision will be difficult for others to understand if it is not stated explicitly, for example, Nike’s previous vision would not have been understood if it did not feature “Find Your Greatness”. These short words are a jargon. Jargon must be designed in such a buy lead  way that it is easy to hear, remember, and say again. The existence of a visual campaign through a logo and verbally through jargon will make a brand better known to the wider community. Not only jargon, sometimes jingles or songs can also be used as a means of strengthening branding. Like Shopee with its Shopee dance or Indomie with its jingle. This element must be planned carefully.

4. Social Mediaor television were

One of the branding elements that cannot be missed with the development of technology today is social media. The success of branding is the extent to which the concept and campaign are accepted by the public. If a decade ago, print media or television were powerful tools, now there is a new media that is more effective, namely social media. Young people no longer only use it as a medium of expression but also to gather information. Therefore, it is very effective in introducing brands and their products. Social media alone is not enough, it needs to be supported by a website, so that the information is more detailed. Especially if it is equipped with store facilities.

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The success of a business is supported by several factors, including marketing and branding. To optimize it, you must understand and explore each element of branding. Want to market your product digitally? Contact Dreambox! We are ready to help.  Click here!

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