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Marketing content strategy blog topics content types etc

Marketing strategies (types of promotions, frequency of discounts, etc.)

Email marketing strategy (newsletter, abandoned cart recovery emails, promotional codes, etc.)

Customer reviews (product terminology, recurring complaints, etc.)

In general, competitive analysis can come in different forms depending on what aspects of competitors the company wants to assess. But the elements we just reviewed should give you a general idea of ​​what aspects might be covered in the different middle east mobile number list sections of your analysis.


The Importance of Competitive Analysis in E-Commerce and Marketing 

How does competitive analysis help the business owner? Competitive analysis is vital because you can’t compete effectively without identifying your direct competitors, and you can’t differentiate yourself if you don’t know what really makes you different.

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If you are just launching your online store, competitive analysis can help you:


Make more informed marketing planning decisions,

Identify industry trends,

Create benchmarks,

Develop a pricing strategy,

Discover new ways to talk to customers, or how to start a career in digital marketing even reach a new audience,

Finding an opening in the market, but also ensuring that this opening represents an opportunity.

This type of analysis isn’t just relevant for new business owners. Competitive analysis can, and should, be a living document that constantly evolves as your business grows.


An up-to-date competitive analysis is a powerful tool for assessing how your brand compares to the competition at a specific point in time, while giving you a clear direction to continue to excel in the future.


Conduct a competitive analysis


How to conduct a competitive analysis

Once you are ready to begin your competitive agb directory analysis, follow the steps outlined below to ensure your research is structured and organized appropriately.


Create a list of 7-10 competitors

To identify relevant competitors to analyze, start by conducting research on Google, Amazon, and Alexa that is relevant to your product idea or business idea. You should try to identify direct competitors that:

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