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Many of you have probably already noticed

Many of you have   That the most important goods: bread, meat, etc. are at the back of the store because people browse the entire store for them, increasing the likelihood of impulse purchases. Movement paths are made in stores so that customers can see the entire display. Also, there is a constant rotation in the stores, otherwise customers get used to always finding products in the same place, so it is necessary to change the arrangement of products, otherwise customers will not see a different assortment.

In stores, the best stands are mobile

As they are easy to quickly rearrange. In small stores, it is best to rearrange goods every six months, and in large ones, every year. Retail chains use different strategies and layouts of goods in the trading halls: Free planning – the customer chooses the shortest and most rational way to purchase goods. For example, MAXIMA, Hermitage, MOKI VEŽI. Forced layout – Forced movement forces the entire range to be viewed. For example, IKEA, Gedimino 9. Linear layout.

Suitable for most retail stores

Used to get maximum profit from chinese overseas africa number data queues, but gives a cold impression of the store. Mostly used in pharmacies. Diagonal layout. It is suitable for self-service. Also used by small shops where cash registers are located at the entrance/exit. Then the seller can see the buyers better. Corner layout (stands are round).

special data

Very suitable for high-quality product stores

The layout creates an impression material data of luxury, the rounded corners create a better movement of store flows. Used by jewelry stores. Geometric layout. Best suited for clothing stores, the racks and brackets used create an unusual type of store design provide the capability to stream highquality ar without spending a lot of money. Mixed layout is most popular in small shops. Creates a multifunctional store design. Such an arrangement increases the intensity of traffic, directs traffic towards the walls and back to the store.

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