Microsoft is facing difficulties in the process of acquiring the app. But a third of TikTok’s US users may be 14 or younger. The which raises security concerns . Apple. The Ford and Disney disapprove of WeChat ban . Tencent. The threatene by Trump. The has one of its best performances . Hong Kong press freeoms erode – Police arreste Jimmy Lai. The founder of the opposition Apple Daily newspaper in Hong Kong. The and Agnes Chow. The a 23-year-old prominent pro-democracy activist.
Two hundre police officers
searche the Apple Daily office . Hong Kongers showe their support by buying up copies of the newspaper in droves . The head of the local press union said an intervention of this scale was “unheard of” in Hong Kong . Jimmy Lai was release on bail and calle on his journalists to “fight.” Epic Games Takes On Apple and Google – Apple and Google ban Fortnite from their app stores after Epic Games trie to evade commissions .
Epic responds by suing
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