If you manage a team of content writers

Positive reinforcement is just as important (if not more so) than negative feedback and helps guide and motivate.

Whether you’re a coworker, a content marketing agency , or a freelance writer , every writer in the world needs to know what they’re good at.

  1. Because that helps us deliver more of the same, and better. When we have a clear idea of ​​what you like, we will enhance it.
  2. Because we are human and we need to know that our work is valued in order to be motivated to work.

James’ pro tip: you can set up a process where writers give each other feedback. This will help all writers improve and also ensure consistency in tone and voice across brand content.

Think about your requirements beforehand

Do you require the writer to include links to certain sources or famous quotes? Use certain keywords? Paragraphs to be no more than 3 lines long?

No problem, as long as the editor knows this before starting work.

First of all, yes, you could tell them later as part of the review and changes mobile phone number data process. But you will save time if you define these things beforehand.

The writer will be able to work with your requirements in mind, rather than spending extra time later. And you can avoid those comments at the revision stage, making it easier to finish the process as quickly as possible.

Secondly, if you are working with freelance writers or content marketing journey this means that companies agencies, their requirements may affect the budget you have approved.

And if so, in addition to wasting more time than necessary, be prepared content writers for awkward comments.

“We didn’t know this and it’s going to take us more time,”

“I had assumed that…”


The solution? Write a document that clearly specifies the requirements of the piece and share it with the writer.

Wasted time extra budgets and bad vibes aside

this document will help you primarily in two ways:

  1. Increasing the chances that your expectations will be met from the start.
  2. This document will serve as a reference to see what points have not india number list yet been met. Also, if things go wrong, this document will serve as justification.

Obviously, you don’t need to repeat this process for every post. But you might want to do it for the set of content that a new writer is going to be in charge of.

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