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I give you an idea – an app that recognizes the tourist

I must admit that with the arrival of Pokémon Go I started thinking about possible business ideas that were related to that technology. Until then I didn’t understand that making any object appear inside a mobile phone camera was nothing out of the ordinary. tourist attractions Photo rights by Fotolia It seems that this sector has been inspiring me lately when it comes to coming up with new business ideas, as shown by this one with tourist guides or this other one to promote small businesses in cities and towns. An app that recognises tourist attractions and provides you with data Talking to my brother-in-law during the holidays, this idea came up. If you think about it, it’s something that may already exist (I haven’t looked into it to be honest) or it’s something that some people are already working on. The possibility of integrating objects into the camera fascinates me (although apparently it’s something simple). So lately I’m more inspired by this sector. I recently launched an idea about this Imagine this on your next sightseeing tour. You are on the Champ de Mars in Paris because you want to see the Eiffel Tower. From a distance you can already see the silhouette of the attraction. You take your mobile phone out of your pocket and turn on the camera. On the screen you can see the Eiffel Tower. But there’s more. You have a text box that tells you some basic information like the year it was built or the price of the elevator to go up to the first or second level. With an additional click you can access Wikipedia. McDonald’s sponsors the app so you can see the address and distance of the nearest restaurant to the attraction. A possible disappearance of roaming could be the perfect time How cool would it be to have an app that could recognise tourist attractions, either by geolocation (which may not always be accurate) or, if GPS fails, by a visual comparison with its database of tourist attractions in Paris? One major factor that may have held back the development of this app is roaming costs . This year, for the first time, I can browse and talk outside of Spain as if I had never left the country. The complete disappearance of roaming will probably take a couple of months or even years , but if you want to be the first with this app, you have to get on with it now. It’s the perfect time or it might already be too late because others have already done it.

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