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I give you an idea – a blog for eternity

Just as I was writing yesterday’s post, this idea came to me. In it I commented on what blogging brings me today and how it has evolved since I started my first blog. blog eternityPhoto rights by Fotolia Problems when keeping a blog alive if the owner is not there I like the idea that my blog will continue to be available to everyone even though I am no longer here. But of course, several doubts quickly arise. Who will manage the blog community? Who pays for hosting and domain renewal? Who contacts support when I’m offline? Who updates the different versions? Etc. It’s a never-ending list of questions. It’s certainly not something I want to impose as an obligation on my loved ones so that they have a burden on them for the rest of their lives. Always assuming that blogging does n’t bring them the same things it brings me. A service that takes care of your blog when you can no longer do it There are more and more people who have a blog. I haven’t found an exact figure, but if it is true that there are more than 300 million Tumblr accounts (another popular blogging platform along with WordPress and Blogger), it could be estimated that the figure should be between 600-900 million blogs worldwide (taking the sum of all CMS: Tumblr, Blogger, WordPress, Typepad, Joomla, etc.). It is very likely that I am not the only person who has thought about this topic at some point. The idea is very simple. Why not offer a blog management service once we are gone? This way we can leave with peace of mind knowing that our “legacy” will survive (or at least for as long as the company is still active). I honestly have no idea what you could charge for this. You would have to do a market test to see what a potential client would be willing to pay for it. In my case, I would be willing to spend 1,000-2,000 euros for something that inspires confidence and is capable of offering this service. I doubt that this figure is representative for many people. Your target audience has to be bloggers like me who have invested years of work in their blog. Otherwise, they would not be willing to spend a single cent and would prefer to bury the blog with them in the grave. PS: Right after finishing the post I looked for a page that I remembered that allowed you to keep control of your social media profiles when you are no longer there. It turns out that they also take care of your blog . The website is called Deadsocial. The problem seems to be solved although the website does not inspire me with much confidence so I still see potential to implement it and make it better

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