How to manage bad buzz on social networks?

Since the growing popularity of social networks, almost all companies now have a Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram account. Unfortunately, these participatory platforms are proving to be fertile ground for a phenomenon that everyone dreads: bad buzz  !

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The question then arises as to how to bounce back after a bad buzz  ! Here are some recommendations for managing this type of crisis.

Bad buzz: a reminder of its definition!


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The term bad buzz is used when a company (or a person) suffers viral attacks on the web by Internet users, one criticism leading to another .

Bad buzz is therefore a bad publicity stunt that can destroy a brand’s reputation. Generally, it is difficult to detect the source of bad buzz , and even less difficult to slow its progression once it has been triggered.

Prevention is the only way to avoid bad buzz

If you want to avoid bad buzz , you must take a preventive approach. How? Simply by identifying the subjects at risk:

  • Religion
  • Sexism
  • Stereotypes
  • Sexual orientation
  • Death: accidents, attacks…
  • Racism


What to do in case of Bad Buzz? 4 steps to follow!

To avoid adding fuel to the fire, here are 4 steps to follow to manage a crisis on the web!

1) Avoid reacting in the heat of the moment

Who wouldn’t defend themselves Aksepte peman sou in response to an attack or threat? It’s therefore completely understandable that you want to justify yourself as quickly as possible following a bad buzz. However, this kind of reaction is not recommended.

You can also go to this article to learn more about managing negative comments on social networks .

The best solution is to understand the origin of the problem and identify the cause of the bad publicity . To do this, keep watch by reading Internet users’ comments. You will then be able to recognize the source of the bad buzz and consequently find a defensive strategy to adopt.

2) Don’t delete anything

A criticism of your products, a post from a dissatisfied customer… these are all elements that can tarnish your image. And generally, brands often try to delete the object of criticism when they feel attacked. Except that you risk reinforcing the bad buzz by hiding information from the public ( Streisand Effect ). There is nothing wrong with owning up to your mistakes. It can happen to anyone.

3) Apologize

bad buzz seems to last forever uab directory for the person who is the subject of it. However, know that it only lasts a few weeks or even months. Internet users often move on to other things after attacking you. However, this does not mean that you should do nothing, because you risk starting a new wave of criticism if you do not counterattack.

The solution is therefore to apologize to the audiences that you have shocked. Apologizing means acknowledging your mistakes and expressing regret. It is an effective way to rebuild a damaged relationship with your customers. In short, do not hesitate to broadcast your mea culpa on all channels (blog, social networks, website, etc.). You can even go so far as to organize a press conference .

4) Let the public know that you will find solutions

Don’t think that you can easily restore your image after apologizing. There’s one more thing you can do: let your customers know what steps you’re going to take to make up for your misstep . Such a kind act won’t go unnoticed and will only improve your e-reputation.

Now you know what you have to do when faced with bad buzz .

Are you looking for a trained team to support you in managing a bad buzz? Don’t hesitate to call on our community management agency in Madagascar

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