How to Grow Engagement and Create Demand on Facebook

With over 2.8 billion active users every month, Facebook is present in the daily lives of an incredible number of people as the largest and most powerful network on the planet.
And that’s just in about a decade. A decade in which what defines an effective strategy is incredibly variable. More and more successful marketers are leveraging Facebook Ads to reach their audiences. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you make the most of the Facebook Ads for Business platform to take your work to the next level.

Why you should use Ads

Facebook Ads lets you target the right people with the best content at exactly the right time . Thanks to the many factors it can monitor, Facebook is able to profile its users with incredible precision. To be successful with Facebook Ads you need to be able to identify:

the target you want to reach;
the type of content you want him to see;
when and how you want your target to see it.
Thanks to the tools offered by Facebook, you will be able to cross-reference these values ​​and obtain precise and effective results.

The organic is no longer enough
Until recently, creating effective organic posts could be a sufficient tool for successful social campaigns. In January 2018, however, Facebook updated and implemented changes in its algorithms that aim to Grow serve more targeted content to the audience. For brands, this means that posts reach far fewer people , even among the brand’s own followers. In short, organic Facebook posts have lost the effectiveness and broad reach they once enjoyed.
The good news is that it has never been easier to find your audience and optimize your social campaigns . In this guide, we will explain how to identify and find your target on Facebook and how to use the tools of this platform for effective campaigns.

Identify your audience How to Grow Engagement and Create Demand on Facebook

Facebook Business Manager offers many tools to identify, understand, and reach your target audience.

Build your audience
The most powerful tool at Grow your disposal is that of audience construction .
The parameters you can rely on to perfectly profile your ideal audience segment concern geolocation , demographic data , interests , behavior , connections .

This parameter allows you to target people based on their location in the world, whether it be specific communities, cities, countries , or more.
With this parameter you can build your target based on age , gender , job , marital status , education level and much more. A parameter that will allow you an excellent level of specificity in defining your audience segment.
Interest targeting is an extremely Grow useful tool for groups of people who share similar interests in different subjects. If you know what your target audience likes, you have a great chance of engaging and communicating with them.


Targeting based on this parameter allows you to reach people who have adopted specific behaviors or actions in the past that may concern purchasing habits, preferences for using devices or operating systems and much more.
This parameter allows you to select Grow audiences based on whether or not they follow you as a brand on social media. This can help you reach new users or reinforce messages to those who already follow you.
Custom, Lookalike and Pre-Saved Audiences
One way to reach the right people for your brand with a Facebook ad campaign is to create your audience . You can do this with Ads Manager ‘s audience tools , which allow you to build custom, lookalike, or pre-saved audiences.

Custom Audiences
If you want to get the most out of this incredibly powerful tool, you’ll need to create a custom audience. Once you’ve done that, you can Grow simply upload it to Ads Manager, where you can manage and launch specific campaigns. You can create these audiences using the Facebook pixel , which helps you segment visitors based on actions or sets of actions that are performed on your website or business Facebook page.
You can create an audience segment that has a variety of actions in common, which can include:
– Viewing a specific piece of content;
– Adding something to the cart;
– Filling out a form;
– Watching one of your Facebook videos;
– Signing up for a free trial;
– Registering for an event;
– Engaging with a Facebook post.
And much more.

An outstanding resource for successful digital marketing tactics is provided by Canada Mobile Database. Businesses can Grow use mobile data to target people according to their demographics or certain activities. You may effectively and directly reach your audience with our company’s Canada mobile data, which includes B2B, B2C, and telemarketing lists. You may swiftly  asia mobile number list your company and improve consumer engagement by using this data. Use our dependable mobile database to get the most out of your marketing campaigns. To buy our stuff, go here.


Lookalike Audience Facebook’s lookalike

audience is a powerful tool malaysia phone number resource that allows you to add new users to a segment that Facebook’s algorithm believes may have similar behaviors to those already present. The limits of Grow such a tool are dictated exclusively by your creativity and strategic ability.
Pre-saved Audience
Once you have created an audience bqb directory segment, you can save it so you can return to use it as a target during subsequent campaigns. This way you can plan specific campaigns aimed at specific audience segments in a very fluid and functional way. As many times as you want over time.
Reach your audience
Once you have found and identified Grow your audience, we will explore ways to reach them with your content. Facebook offers a huge variety of ad tools for marketers but in this presentation we will focus on a mix of the three most important:

website click ads ;
lead ads ;
messenger ads.
Website click ads
While the purpose of this action is quite specific, namely to drive traffic to a specific website , the ways of doing so leave a lot of room for creativity and strategy.

When to use website click ads and which metrics to look at
Before you even start a campaign, you should understand what your goals are and what metrics you want to monitor to understand if the campaign has been a success. Here are some common reference points in website click ads strategies:

Goal: Increase traffic to a new product page How to Grow Engagement and Create Demand on Facebook

Metrics: CTR (Click Through Rate), CPC (Cost Per Click), Impressions
Goal: Increase awareness for an Grow upcoming event with a launch video
Metrics: Video views, average watch time, engagement rate
Objective: Inform your audience about a rebranding
by sharing a press release Metrics: Impressions, CTR (Click Through Rate)
Facebook provides a valuable tool, split testing , which allows you to test comparing two or more executions to decide which is the most effective for your goals. Always use split testing to improve your ads.

Facebook Lead Ads
If you are looking for qualified leads , this tool could definitely be for you. Lead ads are special because they allow you to collect contact information without the user having to leave Facebook, thus creating a more native and customer-friendly experience . Furthermore, driving traffic off-platform generates a huge amount of drop-off in mobile users. This type of tool allows you to reach Facebook mobile users in a particularly effective way, an audience of approximately 1.5 billion daily active users .

When to use lead ads

For this reason, you should use this tool when you are addressing a segment of mobile users , particularly those who are not used to leaving the platform. Furthermore, this tool integrates perfectly with many CRMs, automatically creating a new contact every time a form is filled out in your lead ad.

Metrics to keep an eye on
With this tool in particular you should generally focus on impressions, leads, CVR (Conversion rate), CPL (Cost per lead). When looked at together, these metrics will give you a complete picture of the number of people you have reached and are reaching, the number of conversions, how effective the strategy is regarding the objective and how effective the targeting you have done in reaching the right segment.

Facebook Messenger Ads
One of the latest and most effective tools from Facebook, Facebook Messenger Ads allows you to establish personal, intimate and direct communication with your individual users.

How to use Messenger Ads

There are three types of Messenger Ads you can start experimenting with:

standard ad placement within Messenger;
click-to-Messenger ads;
sponsored messages.
Standard Messenger Ads
Using this tool, your ad will appear directly in the user’s Messenger app , in the inbox, in the form of a sponsored message. The user can click and start the interaction with a series of options. The user will interact with a bot, in this way the relationship between your brand and your customers will be completely automated , without taking anything away from the quality of the dialogue.

Click-to-Messenger Ads
This type of ad allows you to encourage your users to click on the ad to connect with your brand via Messenger. The only difference with standard Messenger ads is that you can place them in a variety of places on both Facebook and Instagram.

Sponsored Posts

Finally, Sponsored Messages allow you to reconnect with users you’ve interacted with in the past. These appear in the user’s Messenger inbox as regular messages that can be interacted with. This tool allows you to send alerts, create CTAs , and more.

As a marketer, there are many ways to  your business, many platforms that can help you, many stories to tell, and many people to reach. As the way people spend, buy, and communicate continues to evolve, it is expected that the interaction experience of companies and their advertising will also improve accordingly.

That’s the beauty of Facebook . It brings together powerful tools to connect with all types of users. Once you understand the full potential of these tools, the only limit is your imagination .

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