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How a digital specialist can find the first clients after the courses – Webpromoexperts blog

Work experience is required to get a job. And to get the first work experience, you need a job.  Familiar closed circle?  This is a problem faced by many digital specialists who have just finished their courses, and all they have is a certificate of training and a light in their eyes. And it is possible to have previous work experience in another field – for example, in dentistry or construction. 

But who needs it?  Everyone needs case portfolios, right?

However, at first you telegram database users list can do without it. I will tell you how to find the first clients after the courses without registration and SMS portfolio.

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Where to look

The first place to turn is to all your acquaintances and friends. Most likely, either they or someone they know has a business that needs your services.

Do you have a limited circle of friends?  Go to networking events and professional  splendor onyx blue sector 142 noida events and tell literally everyone that you are looking for a job and in which field. Even if several people couldn’t help you right away, they can refer other people who may need a specialist like you. Still, personal contact and recommendations decide.

Didn’t work out?  Let’s go to social networks. Make a list of brands or agencies you would like to work with and write them an honest letter. Do not make imaginary plans and do not promise that you will increase their audience from 1 thousand to 10 thousand subscribers in 3 days. It is better to tell honestly that you have just finished such courses, what skills you have, what previous work experience you have had and how it can be useful to a potential employer. Believe me, honesty sells .

BUT! One standard letter will not do here. Personalize your message for each potential employer. If you’re writing for a fashion brand, tell us what specific fashion-related skills you’ve learned from your courses, or how you’ve interacted with the industry in your past jobs. Tell us why you need this job, about your personal motivation, and what makes you different from thousands of other junior digital specialists.

Yes, maybe 100 brands will reject, but the 101st message can be the winner. The main thing is to work systematically and send at least 5-10 letters every day.

Read also:   How to earn freelancing and where to start

A page in social networks is the face of a digital specialist

Your message was opened, or even answered! This is already half the success. But what does a potential employer do next? Goes to your page in social usb directory  networks. And it will be a shame if only photos from restaurants and recreation are published there. So before sending out messages to potential employers, design your professional page in a way that will be interesting to the client. Not to the same digital specialists, but to the client.

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