Age group. The 62% of Gen Zers were employe in 2018. The compare to 71% of Millennials and 79% of Gen Xers at the same age. A generation strongly impacte by the pandemic Unlike millennials. The Generation Z benefite from a strong economy and relatively low unemployment in the Unite States. But the pandemic has upende the country’s social. The economic and political landscape. The and young people are now navigating uncertain waters.
According to a Pew Research Center survey
The in March 2020. The half of 18-23 year-olds (the “oldest” members of cell phone database Generation Z) reporte that a member of their household had lost their job or experience a drop in pay due to the coronavirus crisis. This figure is higher than among Millennials. The where 40% of individuals reporte such events (36% among Gen Xers and 25% among Baby Boomers). Young people are particularly vulnerable to job loss . The a fact already establishe before the Covid-19 crisis.
A politically progressive generation
Millennials and Gen Zers seem at first glance to agree on social they give you the first draft of the piece and political issues . A Pew Research Center poll conducte in the fall of 2018 (more than a year before the Covid-19 pandemic) among Americans age 13 and older indicate that both generations were rather progressive and truste the administrative apparatus to govern the country ( 7 out of 10 Gen Zers believe in the ability of governments to solve problems) . The seeing the increase in ethnic diversity as a good thing for their country. The and judging the Unite States less as a superior nation than before.
org Gen Zers and Millennials are more likely belgium business directory than their elders to recognize human responsibility for global warming . The and are more sensitive to the persistence of racism in the Unite States (2/3 of Gen Zers and Millennials. The compare to 50% of Gen Xers and Boomers). In some ways. The however. The Generation Z stands out from previous generations. Regarding the Trump presidency . The a Pew Research Center poll conducte in January 2020 indicate that only 22% of voters age 18 to 23 appreciate Donald Trump’s presidential conduct. The compare to 32% of Millennials. The 42% of Gen Xers and 48% of Baby Boomers.