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Do you know the power of social media for your business?

Social media is currently an excellent lever for successfully promoting a business. In a context where the internet has taken a considerable place in our social life, platforms like Facebook or Instagram can be of great help in a digital marketing campaign.

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How much power does social media have over your business?



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With 3 billion registered users worldwide, social networks occupy a prominent place in the lives of Internet users. Companies, regardless of their size, must therefore take advantage of this great opportunity. By registering on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, a company will be able to interact effectively with its customers and prospects. It will also have the opportunity to promote its products and services .

In the current context, it may happen that small start-ups manage to continue their activity without being present on social networks. However, for a new brand targeting a wide audience, not being registered on social platforms turns out to be a serious mistake .

What are the benefits of social media for your business?

If businesses are rushing to social by potential value to the advertiser media, it is obviously because it offers a plethora of benefits .

1) An effective prospecting campaign

Indeed, by being registered on social networks, you will no longer need to spend a fortune to be famous. Unlike traditional advertising channels such as television or radio advertising, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are more efficient and above all very economical . Indeed, you just need to effectively animate your page at a lower cost to gain visibility and be spotted by prospects (or potential customers).

2) Effective sales

Did you know? Facebook pages are canada email lead t just as effective for selling products online as e-commerce sites. Whether it is a BtoC or BtoB framework, you will be able to communicate directly with your customers.

3) Increased credibility

According to a study, nearly 75% of Internet users are more likely to trust a brand if it is present on social networks. And for good reason, it is a modern contact channel that is very popular with Internet users.

4) A powerful marketing monitoring tool

To succeed in your digital marketing strategy, you will need to keep up to date with your competitors’ news, i.e. undertake competitive intelligence . Social networks can be a great help to you during this process.

How to take advantage of social networks?

Many social network users comment on statuses, regularly send messages or post on Twitter and Facebook pages of companies. By doing so, they want to verify the credibility of the company in question and at the same time learn more about its services and products.

Young customers, commonly referred to as “  generation Y  ”, tend to trust brands that are registered on social networks, and more particularly those that regularly post interesting content . Indeed, if your wall is not updated often, you risk losing credibility with Internet users . So remember to post regularly if you want to attract the good graces of Internet users.

As you will have understood, communication methods are no longer limited to emails and phone calls. This is why companies must take advantage of social networks in order to improve their performance. However, for competitive multichannel marketing , also consider using other channels such as instant messaging, chatbots , click to call, etc.

Social media is nowadays an essential channel for marketing and communication campaigns. However, a perfect mastery of this universe is required to take full advantage of its potential. Want to be supported in the management of your online community? LAPLUME.MG , our community management agency in Madagascar, provides you with its expertise and know-how to deploy an effective and sustaina

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