Circular Economy of a Webinar: The Content That Produces Content

Seminars, courses, round tables, events. Whether we like it or not, most of the training, information and meeting opportunities have moved online.
On the one hand, this can generate a certain effort to adapt in us, as users, and a certain operational confusion, as organizers…

But if you look closely, if you deal with online marketing and need to produce content for your business, the webinar can turn out to be a real goldmine of content , so it is worth spending a little energy on.
We suggest 5 ways in which a single webinar can generate new spendable content and multiply value for your business :

It is an opportunity to expand your contact database Circular Economy of a Webinar: The Content That Produces Content

Through user registration for the event, and thus generate new potential customers to include in your funnel and in your lead nurturing activities (such as newsletters, customized content, offers, etc.). These are highly valuable contacts because they are profiled users who are certainly interested in your offer.
For this purpose, a valid strategy could be to set up, in the period preceding the webinar, an advertising campaign on LinkedIn (and/or other social networks functional to your business) for registration, so as to intercept and collect a large pool of profiled users. (Do you know how to advertise on Linkedin ?)

The webinar itself is a promotional opportunity to generate awareness about your business and strengthen your brand positioning and authority . Furthermore, it can be a time to convey specific promotional messages regarding products or services related to the theme of the event.

Nothing from the webinar is thrown away! Slides, video excerpts, extra resources, scripts, Q&A… are all examples of content that you can “replay” in blogs, newsletters, downloadables, social media, free or paid content that you will only have to spend a small amount of time on to adapt, and that will bring consistency and value to your communication and potentially a great return on the investment (of time, resources and energy) that you made in organizing it.

Humus for your SEO :

consider setting up an archive section of your webinars on your site, where you can upload the videos and transcripts of the same (or their summaries or extracts): this will be content rich in keywords and salient themes that will contribute to the indexing of your site on search engines .

The involvement of partners, guests and sponsors can act as a sounding board, broaden the user base and acquire new audiences and future leads.

These are the reasons why we consider webinars as opportunities with immense potential for those who deal with online marketing…

To learn more about How to start this type of business, we offer you two dedicated articles:

one on the topic of organizing (read “roadmap”!) a webinar – from planning to follow-up -, complete with a downloadable template

and one on aspects related to strategy and cooperation with the sales department .

Both contain downloadable templates and checklists for your design.

If you need support and assistance in organizing and managing your webinars, do not hesitate to contact us.

Even the best entrepreneur or company that until yesterday could keep their contacts active through events and meetings, today can find themselves in serious difficulty.
The unpleasant feeling of having great products or services to offer, but no one knows we exist.

But we did the company website

Of course, the website first of all. A showcase website , with the things you know how to do clearly explained, is the starting point, the zero level. But then comes everything else.

To build your online presence you need valuable content , presented to the right people in the right way and at the right time. Simple to say, but how to put it into practice?

Want to get an analysis of your online presence?
Click here!

Your business should be presented to your online audience with the logic of inbound marketing: increase the visibility/notoriety of your business (more views and engagement) without annoying or interrupting the user. Nobody likes spam.

Your content needs to show up when it matters , when your potential customer is looking for it.

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1. Produce content regularly

Create new content regularly country email data to increase your chances of being found online. Optimized content, of course, and valuable . The more you produce, the more likely your potential customers will find it during their customer journey or purchasing process.

The blog , intended as a section of the site where you make available to everyone the valuable products/services that you know how to create, is the bqb directory ideal place to start inserting them.

2. Enrich content with infographics and photographs
People love and share infographics 3x more than other content. Beautiful, evocative images also increase the likelihood of being read by 80% . Plus, with mobile devices now accounting for the majority of web Circular Economy usage, condensing key information from your content into an infographic that users can save to their smartphone or tablet adds value to your posts.

3. Produce multimedia content Circular Economy of a Webinar: The Content That Produces Content

Multimedia content ( videos, presentations, webinars , …) has a surprising attractive potential. Every year it becomes more and more widespread in the world of marketing, yet many companies Circular Economy still fail to use it.

Now more than ever, this type of content needs to be incorporated into your marketing tactics. They are more expensive to develop, but, if valuable, they can really make a difference.
Webinars , for example, are a gold mine for “content managers” and those who create content for corporate communications.

4. Give value
” No obligation ” content (demos, free trials, or Circular Economy product samples, helpful and “free”) always gets attention. Use the power of free to attract potential customers. Whether it’s pens and brochures at a trade show or offering a free consultation on your business Circular Economy cards, adding “extra value” to your users’ experience helps convert your leads into sales.

5. Interactive content

Quizzes , configurators , checklists , calculators and various utilities , generate high conversion rates and provide real value to your visitors (if they are useful, of course). This type of content not only offers more opportunities for engagement, but also provides a better user experience because users feel more engaged.

6. Email
In the emails you send, make sure to highlight your website (or blog) in your signature. This is a free way to promote your business. HubSpot ‘s email signature generator is a quick and easy way to create a visually appealing signature with your logo.
It may sound corny, but it works…

7. Industry publications

Contact magazines, news outlets, industry blogs, or other publications (online or offline) and see if they are interested in publishing your content or company news. Not only will you expand your audience with the original content you produce, but you will also have the opportunity to position yourself on these publications’ social channels.

Also read our article External links: 7 SEO tips !

8. “The drop that hollows out the rock”: it takes time

Increasing your brand awareness takes a lot of effort, trial and error… and a lot of experimentation . You won’t see results right away: very little content goes viral, so building an online presence takes time .

By analyzing the data relating to the traffic of the company website generated by the contents, it is necessary to understand which ones have the highest added value, and act accordingly.

The strategies and tactics for using social media, for SEO, or for pay-per-click campaigns , are available to everyone and at (apparently) affordable costs. But applying them, sustaining them and making them effective requires resources, dedication and time.

These are just a few suggestions. If you find something else that works better for your business, don’t be afraid to try it . Whatever you do, do it with an inbound marketing mindset : adding value, educating, and most importantly, delighting your audience with the unique content that only your company can develop and share.

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