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Among the traditions that are customary to follow on this day are express support and gratitude to influential women in all spheres of life. Support local businesses run by women. Celebrate equality day in the company of your female friends. In addition, on this day, it is customary to hold charitable collections for foundations supporting women’s empowerment. It is also a good tradition to hold online and offline events where famous women are invited as speakers. So that Are Consumer Cellular Phones Good information about the achievements of women on this day is better scattered around the world on social networks, the hashtag Womens Equality Day is used.

Bringing up my accomplishments felt like bragging

One of the holiday traditions is to express respect and celebrate influential women. We invited women influencers in the email marketing industry to answer a few questions about women’s problems and the solutions for this article. For years (and years), I genuinely believed if I kept my head down and worked hard enough, people would eventually recognize my worth and treat me accordingly with raises and promotions. But that’s not how life really works especially for women. Instead, I constantly fell into the “unofficial team leader” role and “next to Australia Phone Number Data be promoted after so-and-so. I swallowed that pill too many times letting it impact my confidence, mood, and health before realizing nothing would change until I started advocating for myself. I found speaking up very challenging at first.

Asking for a raise required weeks

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If not months, of pumping myself up. Heck, even just the thought of talking or asking a question during a meeting led to sweaty palms and an increased heart rate. It didn’t help that I was smack-dab in a toxic working environment. But through all of that stress and awkwardness, I learned how to embrace my authentic voice, lean into my strengths, and become comfortable with the impact I can make. That’s not to say I don’t still doubt myself. I am my worst critic and am confident I’m not alone. Here are three concepts I try to channel. Perfect is the BUY Lead enemy of good. Just ship it! Iteration is a thing of beauty. Get out of your comfort zone! You can only learn or grow if you make mistakes. Teams thrive on diversity, but only if everyone shares their unique perspectives. So speak up! Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say.

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