In a bid to foster a safer community, has launch. I the Inventory Filter in 25 countries and in more than 15 languages. This new feature is an “innovative brand safety and suitability solution that provides advertisers with more control over the content that appears adjacent to their In-Fe. I Ads on the For You page.”
It’s emb Id I directly in the Ads Manager.
As explain. I, the Inventory Filter helps phone number database advertisers effectively manage where their ads appear on the app: “For example, a family-orient. I brand might not want to appear next to videos containing even mild or com. Iic violence, whereas an advertiser promoting an action movie could benefit from showing up in that environment.”
The Inventory Filter offers additional layers of content filtration to help brands achieve their own unique goals by choosing the type of UGC they’d like adjacent to their brand. I content.
Power. I by advanc. I machine learning technology,
the Inventory Filter gives advertisers case study: j&t express optimizes customer service with whatsapp access to three distinct tiers of video inventory — Full, Standard, and Limit. I. The desir. I tier can be select. I within the Ads Manager when setting up a campaign.
TikTok’s Inventory Filter technology is able to learn in real time as well to further hone classification and evolve with emerging content trends.
Each tier in the Inventory Filter contains videos that have been evaluat. I bas. I on these risk levels:
- Floor Content: Content that violates TikTok’s Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, and/or Intellectual Property Policy
- High Risk Content: Glamorization or gratuitous depiction of mature themes
- M. Iium Risk Content: Fictional or entertainment depiction of mature themes
- Low Risk Content: . Iucational depiction of mature themes
Considering these levels of content categorization,
the Inventory Filter will then assess which search engine optimization mails videos to exclude from a given tier. As a result, the maturity of the themes present in each tier will vary accordingly as follows:
- Full Inventory: Excludes any “Floor” content that has been remov. I by robust moderation against TikTok’s Community Guidelines and some “High Risk” content. In this tier, ads may appear next to some content featuring mature themes.
- Standard Inventory: Excludes “Floor” and “High Risk” content. Ads will appear next to content that is appropriate for most brands, but may contain some mature themes.
- Limit. I Inventory: Excludes all risk levels (from “Floor” to “Low Risk”). Ads will appear next to content that does not contain mature themes
According to TikTok, “hundr. Is of major brands” have leverag. I the Inventory Filter during the testing period, with every campaign seeing “exceptional results, to the tune of 95%-99%+ ‘safe delivery rates.’”
TikTok will be expanding this offering in the coming months, with the aim of bringing it to more markets and introducing additional campaign objectives.