If the task of adolescence consists of separating oneself from the authority of parents and questioning ideals and values, the subject thus seeks to free himself from them in order to identify the reality at stake with which he is confronted and find the singularity of his desire He’s watching .
When we first meet, Lyse, 14, is accompanied by her father. As soon as she sits down, she bursts into tears: “I come for my tics, it bothers my father. He can’t stop looking at me, he doesn’t leave me alone and often tells me that I’m ridiculous.
What makes a He’s watching subject ashamed
is first of all the encounter with a gaze, a sharp gaze that strikes and points at him. The father’s gaze emerges, pierces him at the most intimate point of his accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database being and affects his right to exist, it seems. How to respond to a how to create an ai chatbot for whatsapp? voiceless gaze. To be delivered “entirely to the eye and gaze of the Other.” [1] Thus, the subject feels observed by an Other whom he does not see, hence his embarrassment.
Over the course of the interviews
Lyse says what she can’t stand: ” He’s been having his tantrums since the day I stopped cuddling him.” This teenager will come to talk about her budding love life with a high school friend. She will then come to her sessions, accompanied by her boyfriend. “I appreciate not always list of real mobile phone numbers having my father on my back. He watches over me.”
Lyse knows that her “tics” are a symptom for her family, considering that they are wrongly worried since she manages to make her “contortions” non-existent. What worries this young girl is the look of this father on whom resonates like a Che vuoi [2] . Isn’t Lyse trying to separate herself from the desire of the Other?