Its advantages are:

  • Sprints are 30 days long. The team divides all set goals into small tasks and works on each of them during this period of time. Daily team meetings are held, which makes it easier to work on long and labor-intensive projects.
  • Agility: This shop characteristic is achiev , through sprints and meetings, as they allow for rapid development and adjustments to the product.
  • Teamwork. Self-organization of a group assumes that its members know and understand their tasks and goals very top-notch performance and power efficiency well. This project management method enables leaders to set priorities bas , on their own knowl ,ge and capabilities.

Scrum has adopt , all the benefits of Agile, namely the ability to make adjustments in a short time and regular fe ,back from stakeholders.

Among its disadvantages are:

  • Lack of control over uae phone number expansion. There is no manager and no end date for the project, no one to do the planning and budget, so there is always the possibility of an uncontroll , increase in the scale of the idea.
  • High risks. The principle of self-organization of the team is fraught with project failure if its members lack discipline and motivation. Lack of experience with Scrum is also likely to be the reason for the unsuccessful completion of joint work.
  • Low flexibility. Since this project management method assigns the main role to the team, the departure of one of its members has a strong impact on the results. In addition, it is often impossible to organize the joint work of a large number of participants.


In a guarante , volume

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Scrum is design , for disciplin ,, motivat , teams with experience, the ability to prioritize, and a clear understanding of the project’s requirements.

This approach has all the strengths and weaknesses of the agile method. It can be us , to implement large projects, but is not suitable for large teams.

In short, this project management method is good for creating, for example, complex software by an experienc , team.

Critical path method

All the methods mention , above were creat , in the software development field. They can be us , for projects in other fields, but it is better to use specific technologies for these ne ,s.

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