It’s human nature to focus more on the negative

Giving feedback to an editor can be awkward. We know that.

But it’s pretty much as uncomfortable as giving feedback as a manager to someone on your team. A Harvard Business Review (HBR) study shows that more than a third of managers are uncomfortable with the possibility of giving negative feedback and having the person respond poorly.

Invest time in giving feedback to your writers


But when you commission content from a writer, you become responsible for accurate mobile phone number list that task. And the obligation to give feedback is implicit.

You owe it to your writers to give them feedback. The words and ideas that they so carefully craft deserve attention. I feel it’s a mark of respect to offer feedback on their writing. It’s very rare to get direct feedback from readers, even with online content. This means being a writer can feel very solitary, like you’re pouring your heart out in a letter then just gets chucked in the sea.

— James Thornton.

And while it’s tempting to go into I’ll-finish-it-sooner-if-I-correct-it-myself selling products on instagram mode, remember that feedback is  an investment in your future.  If you make the changes yourself or let them slide, the writer will continue to make the same mistakes indefinitely.

Giving feedback takes time, yes. Or it’s an extra task at the end of the day, if you want to see it that way. But the time you save by not giving feedback is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.

Editors can’t read your mind. So if you don’t like something, you have to say it clearly. It’s the  ” cold, cold” they need to understand that they’re doing something that’s not what you expected.

Recognize what is right

than the positive. Many times the results exceed expectations, but the india number list negative we take it for granted. We don’t see the need to appreciate that work.

Only when things go wrong do we raise our voices. And that is limiting.

In fact, the same HBR study mentioned above shows that managers also feel uncomfortable giving feedback, even when it is positive.

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