By potential value to the advertiser

This type, in turn, is divided into two subtypes – commercial and informational queries. Commercial queries are those that are focused on purchasing products, ordering services or other target actions. They often use the words “buy”, “order”, “price”, etc. Informational (non-commercial), respectively, have an informational nature. They can use the words “review”, “features”, “user experience”, etc.

By geolocation

According to geo-dependence, the following types of search queries are distinguished:

  • geo-dependent – using the name of the country, city or region (“in Kyiv”, “in Odessa”, “in Ukraine”, etc.);
  • geo-independent – without mentioning geolocation (however, the search engine still takes into account the user’s geolocation to provide him with more relevant information).

It is easier to get to the top of the search results using geo-dependent types of queries. But geo-independent ones can attract more traffic and customers.

By seasonality

Some types of search words and phrases, like products or services, are tied to a certain time of year, while others are not:

  • seasonal: “SUP board rental”, “buy a swimsuit”, “snowmobiles” and others;
  • off-season: “furniture”, “plumbing”, “online electronics store”, etc.

You can constantly promote non-seasonal keywords and phrases and evenly distribute the budget. But with seasonal ones it is more difficult: you need to determine the periods of activity of the target audience and expand the steps for promotion during this time. In other seasons, you can reduce activity, SEO and advertising costs, since you will not be able to get a lot of traffic and orders in any case.

By length and number of words in the query

There are single-word and multi-word search queries. Single-word queries almost always have high competition and frequency (unless it is a brand name), while multi-word queries, especially long ones, have lower competition and frequency. Accordingly, it is easier and cheaper to promote them.

Roughly speaking, to get into the top 3 Google Search results for the query “iPhone”, you need to invest a huge amount of time and money, although such a result will be unlikely. But for the phrase “buy iPhone 15 in Kyiv in the Yabko online store” you can take the first line of the search results without any difficulties.

By relevance and usefulness for the user

The classification of search queries by relevance and usefulness involves dividing them into three main categories:

  • hot – reflect a person’s firm intention to buy a product or use a service;
  • warm – reflect interest, but not yet complete readiness to purchase;
  • cold – informational, not containing a commercial component.

It is hot traffic that is most beneficial for business, because hot clients are more likely to place an order. But you shouldn’t ignore warm and cold SEO queries either, because they gradually warm up the audience and can eventually convert it into the client category. Therefore, these are also important types of queries in SEO, and you definitely shouldn’t refuse to use them.

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