HubSpot’s New Pricing Structure: Marketing Contacts

Do you have a large number of contacts in your HubSpot database, but you’re not communicating with all of them? Are you paying more and more for your contacts, even though they don’t interact. If you answered yes to any of these questions. new pricing structure will benefit you. We’ll talk to you more about it. A few months ago, HubSpot announced the change in the pricing structure for its Marketing Hub licenses. Where it now composes the database with “marketing” and ” non-marketing” contacts . However, what does this mean Marketing contacts are those contacts you have in your database, with whom you want to interact and direct various marketing efforts, such as sending emails or directing ad campaigns. With this new structure, instead of paying for the total number of contacts you have in your database.

What is the status of my contacts?

The initial status of the contacts will depend on how they are created. For most sources, non-marketing status will be automatically assigned , with the exception of form Buy Bulk SMS Service submissions. However, it is possible to modify it at any time manually or through workflows , although this update will not be reflected until the cut-off date, which would be the 1st of each month. Note: Contacts cannot be established as marketing and then as non-marketing in the same month. It is important to constantly monitor the number of marketing contacts you have, so HubSpot added new properties, with which you can make reports: Marketing Contact Status: Indicates whether the contact is currently marketing or not.

Types of Email Marketing

Newsletters are one of the most well-known and used types of Email Marketing in any digital strategy. These publications have the characteristic that their shipments comply with a certain periodicity, from daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly. It is important to take into consideration that the frequency of these shipments will depend on the ability to generate relevant content for your audience. The objective of these emails is to disseminate valuable content to our subscriber base, prospects, clients or any ally. These efforts are the key to building a solid and lasting relationship  with each of the readers and generating greater traffic or visits to Buy Lead. Promotional campaigns The purpose of this type of email is just as its name indicates.

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Understanding Regular Expressions for Email Validation Regular expressions, often abbreviated as regex, are powerful tools used to match patterns within text strings. […]

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