The facilitator prepares for the meeting in advance

A person who will wear a blue hat and manage the process of creating new ideas. He or she should formulate the problem, record intermediate results, record ideas received from others in a single knowledge base, define goals and ask questions. plans the time, and organizes the brainstorming session . He or she saves all…

The advantage of this method of generating ideas

The neural network can also help with ideas for brainstorming. Method #3: Manage the random impulse to search and create ideas from scratch  is that it does not require much time and uses environmental data as a resource. To implement it, use any stimuli that will start a chain of associations. To get them, try:…

Write down ideas as they arise and create mind maps

What are the disadvantages of the idea? Even if you are convinced of the success of these ideas, think about each potential obstacle and write down the disadvantages of each idea. The person in this hat is responsible for critical thinking and pessimistic assessment of ideas, he looks soberly at the proposed ideas and acts…